Aah, parameter value ”4,1,0” helped to disable the annoying green led circle! No more blinking.
I updated this old driver to SDKv3 now it works on Homey pro 2023. I needed polling.
If you like to test, you can find my version on my github:
Hi Ronald, great job. I also needed polling but how do I install this in my HP2023?
Thanks for this, I presume it has to be installed by CLI.
Is this code also compatible with the “old” Homeys?
Please run:
- npm install
before you run ‘home app install’.
I don’t know. I think so because older hardware has up2date software.
You need the homey development environment. I think if you scroll up you can find how to install it.
I added some basic installation instructions to the README.md in git.
Hi, Thanks for the info. I managed to install it, and I see the poll options.
Seems to be working, will check some more.
Do I first need to uninstall the official Greenwave Systems app (v3.1.0) before installing your version @Ronald_Derksen ?
No, uninstall is not needed.
Hey, Do we still need to do it or is it now updated in homey?
impossible for me to disable green led circle on a 6 socket greenwave. “4,1,0” parameter works for one socket. but 6 appear like 6 devices without ability to send zwave commands
If you want the power measurement to work, you still need this version:
The chance it will be (re)integrated in the Athom version is close to zero, becourse they have removed it before, for their resons.
For the LED stop blinking, send 0x25, 0x02 to the node every 2 hours.
English: Send (Parameter) to node (nr)
and for set time-out, 1 time send:
These are not Device(socket) commands but Z-Wave commands
Thank you i integrated it.
you are sending it to which equipment? one of the 6?
The 6-socket-block has only 1 z-wave node ID number for all sockets:
You can find it in the developer tools:
Thank you a lot
I’m also looking for a solution for this. Not because I need the power measurements that bad. Just because time and again if I install one of the Greenwave Powernodes it holds on to the measurements at the time of installation. So it messes up my entire home measurements.
A while ago I managed to install the Tuya app using CLI. Still looking if someone can point me to a step by step guide on how to install this version 1.1.1 of Greenwave Systems on my Homey Pro.
Seems to be here… [HOW TO] CLI install method - Tutorials - Homey Community Forum
Now I only need to find the 1.1.1 as it is not in the Github repository anymore.
Ok, even though I read the whole thread I wasn’t paying attention. Found it and installed it.
Now I have my power measurements back again. Can I exclude the “overall” power measurement from Homey?
Because currently it holds the power of PN1 as PN1 AND as total of the power node. So for example on one of them currently I have the following:
Overall 52,3 Watt
PN1 52,3 Watt
PN2 25,2 Watt
PN3 1,1 Watt
PN4 15,9 Watt
PN5 41,9 Watt
PN6 39 Watt
And Homey shows a total of 227.7 Watt whereas this should be 175,4 Watt
Maybe you can place the “overall” part in a different zone.