Google Nest SDM

lets see if it happens again after another RC update.

I changed the names HCS also installs nicely but in the store “homey offline”

aah just turned the old homey back on now I can adjust things

yes there back!

7.2.4 is published. Should show all and now includes timestamp


Hello everyone.
I manage to install my smoke detector and wanted to test a flow.No problem,my flow worked likes a charm but after one hour now,i still have the alarm on in homey app …Bug?

could you PM me the log around this event?

Beste Martin,

De App is wederom vastgelopen en de apparaten zijn onbereikbaar:
Homey pro 2023(ik had de Homey een restart gegeven)

Als het goed is moet de log bewaard blijven en opnieuw geladen worden als de app start. Pm me die als het lukt. Hoe lang draaide de app voordat die crashte…

Martin Verbeek

Hoi Martin,
Ik krijg dezelfde foutmelding. Ik heb de app twee dagen draaiende gehad. Waar kan ik de log vinden? (Ben nog erg nieuw met homey)

Groet Kevin

Please install the latest hcs and reinstall the google nest sdm

So no reboot or upgrade . Same error app origin undefined?

HCS team is working on this to get it corrected

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still not, can you push a new version

Hello,is it possible to make a flow with face detection?Anybody succed to do this?

Known Face detection depends on the type of device you have.

The app combines old and new Nest capabilities. It only works if you have a device that is visible in the old Nest app.

The new Google SDM API does not provide known faces. In that case you will only see Any Face.

Please install the 3.3.3 of the hcs, this contains a built in store. You can reinstall from there

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done, nest still crashes

nice , re-install from inside community app solves this. great feature
