Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware

Thx @Rrrr for summing it up.

I have made this other topic to have an overview of all ‘Homey offline’ related issues. So this issue only started as ‘Google connection lost and repairing it in Homey gave an internal error’.

So the goal is to have Athom come up with a solution for this ‘offline’ issue, while in the meanwhile we try to make ouyr lives as ‘victums’ of this issue as easy as possible AND support Atrhom with cases that do an do not work.

Thx for sharing that you use a Google ethernet adapter and that your Honey is never offline. So now I know 2 HP23 users NOT experiencing this offline issue!! Both don’t use the Athom delivered ethernet adapter… Foof for thought…

Since Users where all is good do not necessarily follow these topics, I repeat my question to all that struggle with the offline issues:

What ethernet adapter do you use? (if any). Thx!

Will post the questiojn also in the overall topic: Homey gets 'offline': related topics