Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware

a. Did you try locking Homey to access point?
b. Exclude that access point from the channel optimisation and Global AP settings?

I have almost the same set up as you but I do not see Homey going offline.
Here’s my set-up:

  1. Internet:
  • Fiber with fixed IP address assigned by the provider
  • Router Unify USG-3P
  1. WiFi
  • 5x UAP-AC-PRO and some switches
  • APs are operating in regular access point mode (not mesh)
  • Nightly Channel optimisation on, but excluded for the AP Office which Homey is using.
  • AP Office is not included in Global AP Settings.
  • AP Office settings are below.
  • Band Steering off
  • Advanced settings are below.
  1. HP2023 10.3.0-rc.7 (waiting for it to go back to official)
  • Connected to the closest AP (1m away, I know it is not ideal) and connected by LAN
  • LAN using the Google ethernet adapter, fixed IP assigned by router
  • WiFi a different fixed IP assigned by router, NOT locked to access point


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