Flows time and date option

I am new user of Homey Pro, today I wanted to create a flow to play certain audio file from my volumio, actually I was looking to make the flow to work on every Friday but I didnt find any option for that! I hope it can be added in future to run a flow on certain day of week or every certain day of a week.



What do you mean with “every Friday”? Doesn’t the time matter? Or what should trigger the flow?
Flows can only be started by an initial event. And initial events are only short actions (change of time from 07:59 to 08:00, a button has been pressed, a value has changed).

Here are two solutions with timer (of course!)

Creating an alarm (more → Alarm → +)
– A certain alarm goes off


– Time is X o’clock
– Today is Friday

I want to make a flow to switch my thermostat with different timing in the weekend and on weekdays. Available is an IF card “The TIME is…” and there is een AND card “Today is A weekday”. That looks nice but it is not ok for a slim flow.
First I need an IF card “Today is A Weekday” en then I need an AND card “The TIME is …” so just the other way around.
I do not understand why there is only an IF card with “The TIME is…” and no AND card “The TIME is…” There are AND cards with The TIME is later than or The TIME is earlier than… Why no AND card The TIME is…

Maybe WHEN every 1 day, AND it is a friday

This is my solution without a time = card

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i did nearly the same

Hahaha that’s a nice drawing and it works also. In Holland we would say " Creatief met Kurk’

This is not the way an automation works. An automation needs a trigger, a momentary trigger, a day is not a momentary trigger. I don’t know if this is possible with other SmartHome systems, but it is not possible with Homey.

Btw, that would be my solution (hope I didn’t make a mistake :wink:):

Looks a little bit more messy, but the advantage is that the flows are triggered only 8 times and not 288 times per day (= less calculations for Homey).

But maybe a heating planner app makes sense for you, too.

Hallo Fantross,
Thanks for your afford. Your message is in essence the same as from Athom.
I will try to develop the solution the other way round. Thanks for your example.
A heating planner app is less fun.

For me an easy to read scheme is important.

Hallo Wim,

Neem aan dat ik dit bericht op deze manier kan beantwoorden.

Kan jouw bericht niet vinden op het forum.

Jouw oplossing is heel slim, mooi dank !



A day in itself may or may not not be a trigger, but the change of one day into the next day surely is! Other systems can do this, so Homey should also be able to set a trigger on a date, a month and a day that is since the year hardly will be of interest.

afaik it happens almost every day at this trigger:
or better at this:
and you can do anything after that,

and you can also use Alarms on Homey Pro.

But often my day starts at fe

I almost ever fail to wakeup at exactly 7h00 but this is possible:
probably the shortest time window is 1 minute, good luck with triggering everything in that 1 minute timeframe. So No! there is no AND the Time is exactly … Please give some example where you need it and the 1 minute timeframe does not work for you.

Also already available:
(The date becomes)

And the other options are already explained by @Dijker. (Thx!)