Start a flow on specific days of the week


I would like to run a flow every Friday night at 9pm

But, I can only find a “when” card saying “the time is”
So seems like I need something that will trigger homey every day at 9m, and then in the “and” section I can check for the day of the week.

This seems inefficient for many flows.
Is there a way to add the day of the week to the “when” section?


No, “When” cards are for events (like the time becoming 21:30), “AND” cards are for conditions (like the current day being a Friday).

With crontab (Action Scheduler app), you can accomplish a trigger you’d prefer

Example, this triggers at 16:45 on each 5th day (Friday), which happens to be today:

Now, when I change the time into an hour before now, it is scheduled for next Friday

Trigger card:


Hi @Yair_Regev ,
It’s similar to @Peter_Kawa 's solution, I just prefer cronjob.
There you use the card
cronjob general
and in your case it would look like
cronjob example
The seconds number can be anything. I just don’t like to start with zero in seconds, in order to avoid conflicts with Every x minutes. It is just like a small delay.


Yes, even without an extra App - indirectly on Homey Pro by creating an Alarm at that time and day only and trigger on the named Alarm going off…


As far as I know, you can also create a trigger with the Advanced Scheduler app, which is only triggered on Friday at 9 pm.

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So many ways to trigger a flow every Friday at 9PM!