Every x minutes then

I saw a post on Facebook where someone had a flow card that started the rest of the flow every 3 minutes, but I can’t find that card anywhere on my flows? Why could that be?

What sort of Homey do you have? Homey 2016-2019 or Homey 2023 or Homey (cloud)?

right now i only have cloud, but i have homey bridge that stopped working after a few hours so i sent it back and im currently waiting for a new one to arrive

Sorry for you, but the Homey(cloud) has only the 3 cards you showed .The dutch version shows:

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damn that sucks, do you know if i will get the other option when i set up the homey bridge or do i need the pro?

Only the pro can do that, the bridge is just an interface and antennas for several (local) protocols.

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okay, thanks :slight_smile:

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You can create 2 similar flows, which start one another after 3 minutes