Any chance getting Eva Meter Reader to support the energy tab?
You need to contact the app developer of the Eva Smart Home App.
Contact options can be found in the App Store.
I tried contacting their team but without response. They got acquired by Develco / frient recently so I’ve now asked their team if they can forward the request
I would also love to see Smart Gateways P1 added (+1).
This P1-meter not being supported is probably why I don’t see updated values:
A daily graph for electricity and gas usage is shown, but there are no values at the top of the house image. The daily electricity graph states: “This energy meter measures real-time energy usage only”.
The weekly and monthly insights for electricity don’t show a graph, while a graph is shown for gas.
So, not all information provided by the Smart Gateways P1 is used in full and/or not in the correct way?
Can the Smart Gateways P1 supported by the app Smart Gateways App voor Homey | Homey be added/supported soon?
The app page for the Smart Gateways App voor Homey | Homey showed the latest version, 4.0.5. released 7 months ago.
According to the change log, version 4.1.1 should already have been released. Als 4.1.0
(21 dec 2024) was updated with capabilities to support new Energy Usages.
However, my Homey didn’t install this version despite enabling automatic updates. I have manually installed the test version 4.1.2, and drum roll; the Energy tab shows the missing values, and the graphs also show the missing data.
So, @Doekse, it looks like Smart Gateways P1 / Smart Gateways App voor Homey | Homey can be moved from the Watchlist to the Supported list. Can you check with the developer to confirm this?
That’s the default way to go: test versions don’t get auto installed when your Homey has the stable version installed.
I know that stable versions aren’t updated to test versions with a higher version number by automatic updates, but that’s not my confusion. This Smart Gateways app has newer versions in the changelog, but the stable version is still older.
I had stable version 4.0.5 installed, but it wasn’t updated.
The information at the bottom of the app page:
The stable version is still 4.0.5 from 7 months ago.
Newer versions and the test version in the changelog:
The app on my Homey Pro 2023 didn’t receive automatic updates through versions 4.0.6, 4.1.0, and 4.1.1 because the stable version is still 4.0.5. For that reason, I installed the test version. Maybe those newer (non-test?) versions weren’t promoted to a stable (live) version?
Hello Rob,
Nothing wrong, but changelogs with several consecutive test versions is very unclear indeed.
Apparently these versions were test versions as well, but only the latest version is marked as such. So you didn’t get ignored or skipped or anything.
It’s not the first and only developer publishing multiple test versions in a row.
About the why, why none of those were promoted to a stable version yet, you’d inform with this developer.
I would be interested in a trial version of the powerfox energy app.
I am using the frient optical meter, worked for a couple of weeks. But last week it just disappeared in the energy tab. What happened?
Only my solar panels are shown.
To be precise: it stopped working on 28th of January. At 4:55
And? Does it still work as device in general, or doesn’t it?
Did anything get (autom.) updated around that time?
It might be related to this update, if you had the experimental updates setting enabled?
Yes device is working as usual outside of the energy tab.
Yes I believe this update has broken my meter, I may try to delete it tomorrow.