Does my smart meter work with Homey Energy?

During the live Q&A, we mentioned that the new Homey Energy features work not only with the all-new Homey Energy Dongle but also with smart meters from other manufacturers. I’m creating this thread to share which meters are already compatible and gather feedback on those that aren’t. This will help the partnerships team connect with relevant manufacturers to expand compatibility as soon as possible :zap:

I’d also love to hear from all Community Developers working on Smart Meter Apps! Let’s collaborate wherever we can.

Meters currently supported by Homey Energy:

Currently in development / being updated:

  • Chargee Sparky — P1 (Official App in development)
  • PowerFox Energy — Optical (Official App in development)
  • Aeotec Energy Meter — Clamps (Official App)
  • Shelly Pro 3EM — Clamps (Official App)
  • EcoFlow PowerOcean — Hard-wired (Official App)
  • Heatit Controls Z-HAN (2 and B) — HAN (Official App)


Looking forward to hearing from everybody! :rocket:



Would the Homey Energy Dongle be compatible with the HAN-P1 module in an Kamstrup Omnipower meter?

All the best, Thomas

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I am already using the Homewizard dongle so I do not need a Homey dongle with my Homey in the Netherlands. But I am searching for a number of years a similar dongle for my house in France. The smart energy meters in France are standardized (Linky) but they have a TIC port (Télé information client) with a different physical connection and different protocol from the P1 connection. It is probably a commercial decision: there are 35 million Linky meters installed but how many Homey users are there in France?


Hi Martin, you can use the lixee zlinky_tic device in France which is compatible with homey pro:

You’ ll have the same result :blush:


Thanks a lot! As I am using the eedomus controller (z-wave only) I will need to purchase the zigbee dongle as well. Just wondering if it is not wiser to replace the eedomus by homey, as eedomus seems to be at a technical standstill since a couple of years. But that is off-topic. So, yes, I am still more of a homey fan. PS: I see in the documentation that the Zlinky_TIC device does not support solar power feed in, but that is only relevant for others who read this: I am not permitted to put solar panels on my roof, full stop (“patrimoine”).

There’s already a Community app for Flume: Flume App for Homey | Homey

I gave access to my system so it could be developed. Happy to provide additional access if there’s a process to elevate from community to official.

I’ve also got a Sense Energy Meter with four clamps (2 for mains, 2 for specific loads). I’d be willing to share access to that system to a developer for integration. It’s integrated with TP Link and I’m pulling data from 38 registerable TP Link devices in Sense (so you’d get the chance to see both direct energy data from the TP Link Kasa LAN app and the same data via Sense) to try to figure out how to handle aggregation of data w/o duplication.

Let me know if anyone is interested!

It’s great to see that there’s a community app available for Flume! I’ll reach out to Edwin to ensure compatibility with Homey Energy in the future. I’ll also contact Flume directly to explore making the integration official with their support.

As for Sense, I know my colleagues at LG Germany have some contacts there, so I’ll try connecting through them to see what we can achieve.

Thanks again for the valuable insights! :raised_hands:

I have a ‘Smart Gateways P1’ meter and a Smart Gateways Watermeter. Can both placed on the list please? Now the Energy section only shows it’s current energy-consumption of the device itself.

I noticed they have a Community App on the Homey App Store. I’ll get in touch with the developer to see about updating the app and will also reach out to the brand to explore making the integration official.

Thanks for the insights — I’ll keep you posted!

Pls add shelly pro em50. The shelly 3em is 3 phase, the em50 is single phase

@Doekse I have the Glowmarkt app (Glowmarkt App for Homey | Homey) which enables support for UK smart meters via a 3rd party in-home display. I can’t actually test it right now because I moved house and had to send my in-home display off to get it switched over to the system used by the meter in my new house (honestly the P1 system in Europe sounds so much easier!).

But while I wait for it to come back, are there some instructions for developers I can check to work on making my app compatible with Homey Energy?


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Hi @Jonathan_Draper!

Thanks for sharing this information—great to see that you already built an integration for these UK meters.

It’s really interesting to see how different countries are approaching meter data reading. From what I’ve noticed, P1 seems to be gaining traction across many European countries, with more countries adopting and testing the system.

Anyhow, we have a dedicated section in our SDK covering “How to Make a Smart Meter Work with Homey Energy”—you can check it out here!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions :raised_hands:

Perfect thank you, will take a look.

Yes here in the UK the smart meter has its own completely closed zigbee network which only specially certified devices can connect to. Energy providers and a very few others can create devices which connect to the special zigbee network of the meter and relay the data via wifi. Sadly given how well the smart meter roll out has gone here I think it is only a matter of decades before this gets replaced with something more open.

I believe the UK uses the same system as in the States. I’ve been talking with some US partners and my LG colleagues there to learn more about how it works.

I think it’s called Zigbee Smart Energy. Develco, also known by their consumer-facing brand frient, actually offers an interface for Zigbee Smart Energy. I’ll reach out to them to explore how it could be leveraged.

@Doekse, I have a Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter. Doesn’t work 100% either.


@Doekse why just smart meter and not Inverters as well, eg Solax ?

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@Doekse I think there are enough users of the ZTATZ energy meters and there is already a community app for it ZTATZ App voor Homey | Homey



I would also love to see Smart Gateways P1 added +1 for it

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I just released my app p1 smartmeter on test. P1 Slimme meter App voor Homey | Homey

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