Does Homey Pro need APP’s for - Matter over Thread - Matter over Wi-Fi

@Dijker - Pease can you forward this suggestion to Athom

  • ATHOM - Please could you consider updating the - Matter (Beta) - support document
    with an updated Paragraph as per my suggestions below.

How To Use Matter

  1. Delete the heading - How to Use Matter

  2. And replace it with a new heading - Apps are NOT Required - for Matter Devices

  3. I believe that a revised heading - would make the message - much clearer.

  4. The really important text message - Item 5 below - is hidden in SMALL print
    so many users who only skim read - may miss this text - I personally did not read this properly.

  5. :bulb: It is not possible to install apps for Matter devices,
    Homey Pro will figure out the capabilities of the device without installing any apps.



  1. Could update both the MAIN HEADING and the SMALL TEXT
  2. Could be be as shown at the bottom of this thread.
  3. This is only a suggestion and is not in any way a criticism.
  4. It is intended to be helpful and make the position clearer for ALL users.
  5. Hopefully this would reduce the number of posts from users who do NOT understand.
  6. It took me a bit of research - before I understood Athom’s messaging on Matter & APPs.
  7. I suspect other users may be - as confused as I was.
  8. Even after I uploaded this post - 101346 - I did not get any clarification back.
  9. The community - pointed towards - the Matter (Beta) - Athom Document
  10. The document did not answer my original question - as it does NOT cover - Item 11 below
  11. Matter over Wi-Fi. Also Athom do not state that - Matter over ZIGBEE - is NOT Directly possible.

My Suggestion is to UPDATE the whole Paragraph - as Follows

APPS - are NOT Required - for Matter Devices

Connecting a Matter device can be done using the Homey Web App and the Homey Mobile App.

:bulb: It is not possible to install apps for Matter devices.

  • Homey Pro will figure out the capabilities of the device, without installing any apps.

  • This applies to both of the following:

  • Matter over - THREAD
  • Matter over - WI-FI

cc @Emile