Does ethernet adapter is worth it? [Homey Pro]

Hello, let me write a pseudo diagram to validate if I understand correctly how the Homey Pro system works with and without an ethernet cable.

Internet source (via wifi) → Homey Pro → Smart Home Device (via wifi)
Homey Pro connects with the internet via wifi (“slow”) and then connects via wifi (local network) with smart devices (“slow”)

Internet source (via ethernet cable) → Homey Pro → Smart Home Device (via wifi)
Homey Pro connects with the internet via ethernet cable (“fast”) and then connects via wifi (local network) with smart devices (“slow”)

Two questions:

Q1.I plan to connect all smart devices with Homey Pro via wifi. Is it worth connecting Homey Pro with an ethernet cable if all smart devices are connected via the local wifi network?

Q2. Has anyone done a benchmark for:

  • Measure the time of communicating between Internet source (via wifi) and Homey Pro?
  • Measure the time of communicating between Internet source (via ethernet cable) and Homey Pro?
  • Measure the time of communicating between Homey Pro and (via wifi) Smart Home Device (I assume this depends on device, but I expect some averaged value)?

Yes. Homey’s WiFi isn’t very good, and it doesn’t matter that your smart devices use WiFi because they aren’t connected to Homey directly (their traffic goes through your access point(s), routers, switches, etc).

Ping time isn’t a relevant metric, it’s the stability of the connection that is.

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@robertklep Thanks for your answer! :pray:

To clarify does it mean that Homey Pro could be placed in the “corner” of my apartment (far from some smart devices) as long as it is connected via ethernet cable to some router with good range to those smart devices?

If you only have WiFi smart devices (not Zigbee/Z-Wave/RF), then placement of Homey doesn’t matter if it’s wired to your network.

Mostly I plan to use Philips Hue smart devices. On the website, I found that they communicate via Zigbee protocol. Does it mean that for optimal performance Homey Pro should be placed at the center of an apartment?

The “official” Hue app for Homey uses the Hue hub, so no direct Zigbee connection between Homey and your Hue devices.

In the case of the community app “Philips Hue, without the bridge” (Zigbee ) what will be the best placement for Homey Pro? My intuition suggests 2 locations, red star or blue star, but I’m not sure if it is correct. Could you validate that? :pray:

Other than ‘fairly central’ I don’t think there’s a right answer because radio signals can be affected by so many things you can’t tell just from the floor plan like building materials, other devices etc.

On the plus side, as long as you build a strong Zigbee network by adding routing (mains powered) devices first and starting near the Homey then in my experience it really doesn’t matter too much. I ended up with mine right in one corner of my two storey home furthest from the back of my garden sat on top of a loud speaker which is just about the worst possible position and it works solidly with Zigbee devices all around the house and in an out building at the end if the garden.

My main tip would be to try it somewhere you think it might work but just temporarily install it there and have a go. If it works, great. If not it’s easy to move and try elsewhere.