Devices stuck in interview

I all of a sudden cannot get any devices to be added. they are just stuck in interview. Adding a new Rodret from ikea but it wont add.

I actually made the mistake of resetting my zigbee network and now im having to redo it all. But nothing will add.

Restore your last successful backup.

Or try a PtP and be patient agter restarting Homey

im on homey bridge. not homey pro. are there backups?

You can restart homey cloud here
But I doubt it’ll make a difference.
Also unplug the bridge for 10 mins, it’s worth a shot.

If nothing helps: report to

My fault, I shouldn’t assume…

Tip: Read [Tip] Problems with Homey? and create Topics with enough information to get better responses.

Have you contacted Athom support about the problem adding the device?

And what did you expect resetting Zigbee?

I guess it shouldn’t be necessary to direct Homey consumers to the DeveloperTools if they aren’t developer. Why else would they have them called DeveloperTools …