CPU alarms and high temp. Is it okay?

I do have high quality USB-3 China cable (branded), 60W on non-original power supply (I’m using HP23 for several months and couldn’t wait for 5.2 adapter).

Hi Sharkys

Today I got the new short cable with USB-3. I have the same problem with this cable. Here the print-screens from sysinternals CPU-Alarms device:

You have two problems - under-voltage AND throttling / overheating.
Now looking on your temp, it’s 70C - at 80C or 85C throttling occurs.

Can you share from insights your 1m CPU utilization ? On the screenshot I see 84%, 48% 5min average…this is quite high.

Also, when you look on your Homey, isn’t it close to some other appliances, which might heat your Homey ? Just idea.

How many apps and devices you have ?
You may find out using this script : [Homey Pro] overview script


Installed the app, thanks for that.
But i have same problems undervoltage and throttle alarm. Installed the app because i have last 2 weeks a lot of problems and a lot of delay. I have the new adapter installed. What can i do