[Homey Pro] overview script

Homey Pro overview script

Always wanted an overview of your current Homey?
Because you are in the process of migrating to another Homey Pro, or just for the fun of it.
Well that is what this very HomeyScript script is for.
Feel free to share your results in this thread, as I do like to see every ones Homey too! (no sensitive data is shown)

I’ve tried to make this overview script somewhat user friendly to use.
The only thing you need is an Homey Pro (any version, besides Homey (Cloud)) and the app HomeyScript.

When you have that app installed you can go to the Web GUI => Scripts and click on “New HomeyScript” on the bottom-left of the page.
A new script will get created and you can give it a name (not mandatory, just easier to find it back later on), “Homey Overview” is a good example :wink:
Then all you need to do is copy and paste the entire script linked below (it is pretty large, 635 lines) into the top field, and press the “Save” button.

Then to see the result all you have to do is press “Test”, and behold the results will show up below it (it can take a few seconds to retrieve all information from Homey Pro).
(Tip: you can increase the result’s view by dragging the “Output” line, up).

Changelog HomeyScript Overviewer:

  • v1.18 (July 15, 2024):
    • Added: Moods support for Homey Pro 2016-2019
  • v1.17 (May 21, 2024):
    • Fixed: API change
    • Added: sysInternals devices as virtual devices
    • Separated out Homey Bridge devices
Show older updates
  • v1.16 (May 6, 2024):
    • Fixed: New API uses zigbee vs zigBee
    • Added: Zone names
    • Added: Moods (Homey Pro (early 2023) only)
    • Added: Images (Homey Pro (early 2023) only)
  • v1.15 (October 16, 2023):
    • Added: Insight entries (boolean (yes/no) & numbers)
  • v1.14 (September 19, 2023):
    • Added: Unavailable devices (and the reason when displayed)
  • v1.13 (September 18, 2023):
    • Added: Last seen date and time for Zigbee devices, Homey Pro (early 2023) only
  • v1.12 (June 28, 2023):
    • Added: Logic (variable) names and their ID, for each type
    • Added: Node ID to Z-Wave devices’ names list
  • v1.11 (May 10, 2023):
    • Fix (virtual) infrared device(s) not being counted for Homey Pro (early 2023) (API change)
  • v1.10 (May 8, 2023):
    • Added: count and overview of apps are in the Stable or Test channel, or installed from CLI (development)/Community Appstore
  • v1.9 (April 26, 2023):
    • Fix error for the now available getAppSettings() function (since 10.0.0-rc.80)
  • v1.8 (April 9, 2023):
    • Added: App <group>'s devices to the virtual devices count
  • v1.7 (April 6, 2023):
    • Added: Storage information (disabled by default for Homey Pro (2016-2019) as it is a very slow function)
    • Added: Number of alarm clocks
    • Homey Pro (early 2023) only:
      • Added: Throttled (Homey Pro (early 2023) will throttle when a bad power supply is used or the temperature is being too high)
      • Added: Under voltage (Homey Pro (early 2023) was delivered at first with a power supply that in many cases delivered too low of a voltage.)
    • Cleaned up the code a bit
  • v1.6 (April 3 2023):
    • Fix error with counting Router and End Devices for Zigbee devices (API change) on Homey Pro (early 2023)
  • v1.5 (March 14 2023):
    • Added error information for Homey Pro (early 2023) users as HomeyScript needs an update to support the getAppSettings() function
    • Fix when no HomeyScript tokens (again)
  • v1.4 (March 11 2023):
    • Added amount of HomeyScripts
  • v1.3 (March 11 2023):
    • Fix when no HomeyScript tokens
  • v1.2 (March 11 2023):
    • Added amount of: HomeyScript tokens, Better Logic Variables
    • Added some error catching if anything fails, it will continue on
  • v1.1 (March 11 2023):
    • Fixed the Z-Wave count
      I used a bad way before, now it is more accurate and includes the different security levels
    • Added Chronograph and Better Logic Library for Virtual Devices count
  • v1 (March 10 2023):
    • Initial release

Homey Pro Tagged Overview:

As the latest addition to this script (now technically 2 scripts) as the addition of a “tagged” version.
If you want to use any of the values in a flow, or just get an overview once in a while, you can use the bottom script to do so.
It has multiple options of returning the script:

  • All the possible values as an JSON Object, which will return a valid JSON (stringified), which you can then read any value from with for example the Logic flow card: “Read [TEXT] as JSON and select path [PATH] as …”
  • The overview as a regular string, where you can separate the values with a choose able separator, to for example, send it as push message to your phone
  • Set the return value (Object or string) to a HomeyScript tag
  • Set the return value (Object or String) to a Logic Variable (Text variable only)

Any given value can be enabled or disabled by setting the appropriate “show” option at the top of the script.
It is a pretty big script (712 lines), so make sure you copy over all lines!
This script can also work in the Advanced flow card: “Execute [CODE] and return a Text-tag”.

Changelog HomeyScript Tagged:

  • v1.2 (July 15, 2024):
    • Added: Moods support for Homey Pro 2016-2019
  • v1.1 (May 21, 2024):
    • Fixed: API change
    • Added: sysInternals devices as virtual devices
    • Separated out Homey Bridge devices
  • v1.0 (May 19, 2024):
    • Initial release


The Z-Wave count for battery and router devices can be slightly wrong to your actual real life devices, as Homey doesn’t expose what a actual router or battery device is, there is a “battery” flag but that is false for FLiRS devices like “newer” thermostats (Eurotronic Spirit or Fibaro Thermostatic).
I’ve tried to fix it as accurate as possible by also looking if there are batteries specified for the device.
But also this isn’t the case for every device like the Aeotec Siren 6, which has a battery, but that is only for backup reasons and thus pretty much always connected to the mains.
This is just the best I could do without having to manual configure every device that should be excluded, which is too much work for just an Overview Script.

Count down and/or other apps
I won’t be adding the countdown apps, there are 4 different ones, and is getting a bit too much that way.
Other apps will most likely also not be added, or in the end the script will contain all apps.


If you encounter an issue, feel free to say so and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Please do keep the thread clean, any non related replies will get deleted!
If you have (general) questions about HomeyScript or the used Web API, then this is not the thread for that.

Homey Pro Overview v1.18:

Homey Pro Overview v1.18

Homey Pro Tagged Overview v1.2:

Homey Pro Tagged Overview v1.2


My result with v1.16 running for some time now with Homey Pro (early 2023):

--------------- Homey Pro Overview v1.16 --------------
Homey name: Aurora
Homey version: v11.0.1-rc.2
Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2023) (4 core(s))
Uptime: 8599.35 (2 hours, 23 minutes, 19 seconds)
WiFi: Connected
Ethernet: Not connected
Throttled: No (Currently: No)
Under voltage: No (Currently: No)
Update available: No
Storage: 2.66 GB (1.11 GB free)

------------------ Main ---------------------
1 Users (1 Owner, 0 Manager, 0 User, 0 Guest)
44 Apps (35 Stable, 5 Test, 4 Development/Community Appstore, 0 SDKv2, 44 SDKv3, 0 Updateable, 0 Disabled/Crashed)
40 Zones
2 Notifications (Timeline)
1406 Insight entries (716 Boolean (Yes/No), 690 Number)
58 Logic Variables (1 Boolean (Yes/No), 50 Number, 7 String (Text))
3 Flows (0 Broken, 0 Disabled)
172 Advanced flows (0 Broken, 0 Disabled)
13 Images
0 Moods
7 Alarms (2 Enabled)
22 HomeyScript scripts (2 Token/Tag)

----------------- Devices -------------------
4 Unavailable devices
0 Virtual devices
0 Infrared (database) devices
61 Z-Wave devices (61 Unsecure, 0 Secure (S0), 0 Secure (S2 Authenticated), 0 Secure (S2 Unauthenticated), 32 Router, 29 Battery, 0 Unreachable, 1 Unknown)
64 Zigbee devices (48 Router, 16 End device)
107 Other devices
232 Total devices

:white_check_mark: Script Success
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: “Overview finished”

1 Like

Nice and useful overview, thanks!

--------------- Homey Pro Overview --------------

Homey name: Homey

Homey version: 8.1.3

Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))

Uptime: 904206 (10 days, 11 hours, 10 minutes, 6 seconds)

Update available: None

------------------ Main ---------------------

3 Users (1 owner, 1 user(s), 1 guest(s))

30 Apps (6 SDKv2, 24 SDKv3, 6 updateable, 0 disabled/crashed)

17 Zones

1145 Notifications

26 Variables (17 boolean (yes/no), 0 number, 9 string)

5 Flows (0 broken, 0 disabled)

67 Advanced flows (0 broken, 5 disabled)

----------------- Devices -------------------

28 Z-Wave nodes (17 router, 2 battery, 1 unreachable)

16 Zigbee nodes (16 router, 0 end device)

17 Virtual devices

0 Infrared (database) devices

32 Other devices

93 Total devices

:white_check_mark: Script Success

:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: “Overview finished”

1 Like

--------------- Homey Pro Overview --------------

Homey name: Homey Pro van Gerner 26
Homey version: 8.1.3
Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))
Uptime: 289579 (3 days, 8 hours, 26 minutes, 19 seconds)
Update available: None

------------------ Main ---------------------

2 Users (1 owner, 1 manager(s), 0 user(s), 0 guest(s))
37 Apps (2 SDKv2, 35 SDKv3, 0 updateable, 0 disabled/crashed)
18 Zones
162 Notifications
27 Variables (2 boolean (yes/no), 21 number, 4 string)
69 Flows (0 broken, 8 disabled)
42 Advanced flows (0 broken, 5 disabled)
Failed: Getting HomeyScript Tokens

----------------- Devices -------------------

1 Virtual devices
0 Infrared (database) devices
51 Other devices
11 Z-Wave nodes (5 Unsecure, 0 Secure (S0), 2 Secure (S2 Authenticated), 4 Secure (S2 Unauthenticated), 6 router, 5 battery, 0 unreachable, 1 Unknown node(s))
42 Zigbee nodes (23 router, 19 end device)
105 Total devices

:white_check_mark: Script Success
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: “Overview finished”

1 Like

Ok how do you have that many notifications they should be capped at 100 :joy:

They are capped at 1 month I think, latest one is Feb 10 19:13…

No they are capped at 100 when did you last reboot Homey? Around Feb 10?

Nice!!! Thanks!

Q: About variables, I assume Better Logic and HomeyScript variables aren’t included?
A: Now they are :wink:


--------------- Homey Pro Overview v1.10 --------------
Homey name: 1.HomeyPro Peter
Homey version: 8.1.3
Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))
Uptime: 2787865 (32 days, 6 hours, 24 minutes, 25 seconds)
Update available: No
Storage: 1.64 GB (652.07 MB free)

------------------ Main ---------------------
3 Users (1 Owner, 1 Manager, 0 User, 1 Guest)
48 Apps (18 Stable, 24 Test, 6 Development/Community Appstore, 4 SDKv2, 44 SDKv3, 1 Updateable, 12 Disabled/Crashed)
App(s) that are installed via CLI or Community Appstore:
Cast a text to Google and Sonos
WebOS Plus
< Timeline Manager² >
Homey Community Store
SDKv2 app(s):
PaperTrails Log
ESP Easy
51 Zones
160 Notifications (Timeline)
283 Logic Variables (40 Boolean (Yes/No), 157 Number, 86 String)
456 Flows (16 Broken, 61 Disabled)
58 Advanced flows (13 Broken, 11 Disabled)
3 Alarms (0 Enabled)
169 HomeyScript scripts (302 Token/Tag)
5 Better Logic Variables (1 Boolean (Yes/No), 1 Number, 3 String)

----------------- Devices -------------------
107 Virtual devices
0 Infrared (database) devices
0 Z-Wave devices (0 Unsecure, 0 Secure (S0), 0 Secure (S2 Authenticated), 0 Secure (S2 Unauthenticated), 0 Router, 0 Battery, 0 Unreachable, 0 Unknown)
0 Zigbee devices (0 Router, 0 End device)
163 Other devices
270 Total devices

✅ Script Success
↩️ Returned: "Overview finished"

I had 700+ flow notifications once :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, I didn’t even think of these, but those aren’t currently included indeed, not sure how easy it would be to include this.

A didn’t even see this one :joy: that should be an easy fix (edit: fixed)

1 Like

No, 10 days ago

--------------- Homey Pro Overview --------------

Homey name: Home

Homey version: 8.1.3

Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))

Uptime: 529 (8 minutes, 49 seconds)

Update available: None

------------------ Main ---------------------

5 Users (1 owner, 0 manager(s), 1 user(s), 3 guest(s))

38 Apps (3 SDKv2, 35 SDKv3, 1 updateable, 0 disabled/crashed)

26 Zones

31 Notifications

7 Variables (3 boolean (yes/no), 3 number, 1 string)

101 Flows (1 broken, 19 disabled)

11 Advanced flows (0 broken, 1 disabled)

----------------- Devices -------------------

16 Z-Wave nodes (8 router, 0 battery, 3 unreachable)

0 Zigbee nodes (0 router, 0 end device)

6 Virtual devices

0 Infrared (database) devices

131 Other devices

153 Total devices

——————————————————— ✅ Script Success

↩️ Returned: "Overview finished"

--------------- Homey Pro Overview v1.4 --------------

Homey name: Homey Pro
Homey version: 8.1.3
Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))
Uptime: 597031 (6 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes, 31 seconds)
Update available: None

------------------ Main ---------------------
2 Users (1 owner, 0 manager(s), 1 user(s), 0 guest(s))

SDKv2 apps:
NEO Coolcam
HTTP request flow cards
Homey Community Store

Updateable apps:

Disabled apps:
HTTP request flow cards
MQTT Client

45 Apps (4 SDKv2, 41 SDKv3, 0 updateable, 4 disabled/crashed)
25 Zones
11 Notifications
149 Variables (54 boolean (yes/no), 90 number, 5 string)
266 Flows (6 broken, 114 disabled)
97 Advanced flows (0 broken, 20 disabled)
29 HomeyScript scripts (2 tokens)

----------------- Devices -------------------

20 Virtual devices
0 Infrared (database) devices
49 Other devices
78 Z-Wave nodes (72 Unsecure, 1 Secure (S0), 3 Secure (S2 Authenticated), 2 Secure (S2 Unauthenticated), 39 router, 39 battery, 1 unreachable, 0 Unknown node(s))
37 Zigbee nodes (19 router, 18 end device)
184 Total devices

:white_check_mark: Script Success
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: “Overview finished”

Updated 12.03.23 with script v1.4

Lots of people have more Z-wave Node IDs then the router + battery devices (they should sum up to the same value) would indicate, and I’m curious why.

Anyone that has this willing to do some more “research”?
Please PM me or contact me on slack (caseda).

You’re right. I haven’t noticed it at all so far. I have counted and I come to 78 (without Homey). I will contact you on Slack.

-------------- Homey Pro Overview --------------

Homey name: Homey

Homey version: 8.1.3

Homey model: Homey (Early 2018) (1 core(s))

Uptime: 40939 (11 hours, 22 minutes, 19 seconds)

Update available: None

------------------ Main ---------------------

2 Users (1 owner, 0 manager(s), 1 user(s), 0 guest(s))

27 Apps (6 SDKv2, 21 SDKv3, 5 updateable, 0 disabled/crashed)

17 Zones

11 Notifications

1 Variables (1 boolean (yes/no), 0 number, 0 string)

129 Flows (1 broken, 12 disabled)

7 Advanced flows (0 broken, 4 disabled)

----------------- Devices -------------------

1 Z-Wave nodes (0 router, 0 battery, 0 unreachable)

5 Zigbee nodes (1 router, 4 end device)

15 Virtual devices

1 Infrared (database) devices

44 Other devices

66 Total devices

——————————————————— :white_check_mark: Script Success

:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: “Overview finished”

Nice to see. But I wonder; how to find the apps that are updatable?

in the top of the script there are several options you can turn on to show the names added to the overview, for updateable apps change this line:

const showUpdateableApps = false; // Names of Apps that can be updated


const showUpdateableApps = true; // Names of Apps that can be updated

And it will add the names to the overview of the apps that can be updated when you run (test) the script.

1 Like

Interesting enough my sum of router+battery+unreachable is way less than the total amount…

yeah, i’ve probably overlooked something with the code when i wrote that part long time ago… backtracing it all right now :sweat_smile:

(Deleted devices?)