Device integrity/connection test

Hi all!

Since the beginning with Homey I´m experiencing “unknown node” issues with z-wave devices. After not checking it for some time, I now ended up with 12 dead notes. For me there is no chance to find out which device isnt responding anymore or lost connection except checking every single device.
Is there a possibility to create a flow that checks the availability of the devices periodically or on demand.
For example: start flow → check all devices if available → report

I didnt find anything similar in the forum and dont see a useful option in the homey flows.



You can use this script for instance.
Just comment out all unneeded checks:

Thanks, Peter.

A nice script. Unfortunately, it only shows general information about how many are device are connected, not reachable etc.
What I´m looking for is something that checks the availability of devices and let me know which one became unresponsive.

The author wrote in that topic it’s is pretty complicated to check the state of Homey z-wave.
But I was under the impression it could list unreachable nodes f.i.

There’s a nice script, aimed at zigbee, which checks the last updated flag, which can be a good indicator of a device still being alive

Maybe you can adjust it, to have it check z-wave devices:

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Thanks. Will check it but have not much hope as I´m not good in coding.

I can’t test as I don’t own any z-wave devices.
After reading it, I see it"s not protocol specific.
Can you run the script, just to see what it returns?

With this line, you can provide certain (parts of) device names you want to check on:

    // Include by regex device name....
    if (! || ! continue;