Sensors stop working after a day

No such issue here, at least with ZWave, Zigbee is usually off after few hours of uptime, regularly restarting. Seems it’s more intensive since RC110 and Athom is aware of this. More logs-debugs-pressure always helps.

1.Can you confirm which firmware you do have?
2. Does it happens immediately or after some uptime? Check uptime Insights, install sysinternals for additional insights.

  1. Have you submitted ticket to Athom including diag ?
  2. How big your Smarthome is in terms of devices, apps? Eg. you may use script for that.

Well, it’s not corporation, it’s still Athom with few employees only but based on what I have seen, they really do what they can. Imagine, matter as beta already available! This is kind of revolution on the IoT market. Even I understand, please try to be patient.

Btw even some corporations are extremely rigid and they will even not provide you ANY reasonable support. eg. try Volkswagen, Google… and end user customer you have NO voice at all.

You don’t, you can edit it from phone web browser in Desktop mode but believe me, you don’t want to do that. Also some Advanced flows are very complex, I can’t imagine editing it on phone (regardless of that I don’t like this as well but there is nothing much you can do about that)

Try to negotiate decreasing of severity :-)) Eg. chocolate, wine, beer…

No issues on that for me, try to provide some details I asked above