Could not reach device , is it powered on?

I am getting the error in the topic could not reach device …. On almost all my zigbee switches or light bulbs.

I restarted my Homey bridge a couple of times or removed the power of the Homey bridge but Nothing helps.

By clicking to much you might have resetted those devices. Pair them again.

Zigbee is broken since the last update, I created a topic here: Since last Homey Pro update, Zigbee is broken

This problem has absolutely nothing to do with “to much clicks” or “to much Zigbee devices”. And “pair them again” doesn’t work.

You may read, bridge != Pro :roll_eyes:

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Didn’t restart Homey help? (Longshot)

And notify Athom if you didn’t alr:

Reboot with developer tool did not help and power Toggle also did not help

So often things don’t work.
Did you already report it to atom ?
I don’t get any responce from atom