Tjanks for the tip.
reporting : 8,“00124b001eeb2b22”,2,true,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.1”,0,18,0,2,“2.6.3”,36,4,32,1,3,4,"#",0,3,22,8 , $
Hi Geurt,
How many routers are advised? I have 4 routers for 32 end devices.
But the output is telling me to add more routers…
I just Follow Athoms recommendations,
3. Add a number of routers for a stable network
Zigbee routers can repeat/relay messages and improve the overall stability of your Zigbee network. That is why we recommend to place at least one router for every five end-devices in your Zigbee network.
Rating it with an 8 I think you have no real issues, if you have, look fe for some IKEA repeaters.
After 30 reponses in ~7 days a nice feedback for userHappiness:
An average of 7.6 at this moment.
reporting : 5,“00124b001f1f9db1”,2,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.0”,0,11,0,2,“2.6.3”,15,1,14,2,3,0,“#”,0,0,0 , $
reporting : 2,“00124b0020b97d6d”,2,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.2-rc.1”,0,11,0,2,“2.6.3”,49,42,7,2,7,16,“#”,8,14,26,6 , $
Just to be clear; I take it the x axle would be happiness (scale of 1-10) and the y axle is amount of responses?
reporting : 9,“00124b001b4445ac”,2,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.1”,0,11,0,2,“2.6.3”,24,17,7,3,10,7,“#”,0,4,13,7 , $
Correct, I updated it in the sheet.
With a pretty good nr of 42 routers, and only 7 end devices you experience a high number of 8 bad routes. Have you already tried repairing them fe using Fixing disconnected Zigbee devices (without having to modify all flows)
Or have you contacted Athom already?
That is a very neat script, @Dijker! Came in very handy!
Now I saw one of my windowsensors wasn’t reporting. Thx!
Perhaps off-topic, but:
Do you have such a script for Z-Wave as well?
The offline devices aren’t actually a problem and not my source of unhappiness, hehe. They’re offline because they’re all battery operated switches around the house, but the network is so unstable that we don’t actually use the zigbee system at all right now - just use the hardwired switches to turn things on and off.
It’s utterly random how it works here, I was in contact with Athom during the 5.0 betas and some of the builds worked brilliantly, quick and stable, and suddenly the next build broke it all.
So I’m a bit exhausted to be honest. From one day to the next it would stop responding.
Do you mean that you toggle a ‘smart light bulb (Zigbee)’ with a normal switch? In other words: Does the zigbee light lose power and as a result can’t operate anymore as a zigbee router? Cause if that’s the case, I could imagine that the zigbee mesh is quite unstable. If routers constantly disappear, that other routers or enddevices rely on or had a connection with.
Yes, but that’s the fallback after the zigbee wasnt stable to begin with
So we only do that when zigbee fails, so it’s not the cause for the broken mesh, but rather the fallback when the network breaks.
I’ll probably try to move most devices back to hue and ikea gateways and just let homey send api calls to those, it seems to work significantly better for us.
@Nyegaard Did you had contact with Athom to guide you through a solution? In another topic I read a possible solution for some:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 7: Zigbee Reporting Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
reporting : 7,“00124b002112383d”,2,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.1-rc.1”,0,11,0,2,“2.6.3”,51,30,21,6,16,12,“#”,0,11,29,11,1 , $
> reporting : 8,"00124b00199ef7dc",2,false,"Homey (Early 2019)","5.0.1",0,11,0,2,"2.6.3",54,20,34,7,13,16,"#",2,4,28,20,3,1 , $
Have two Aqara door sensors with errors in their routes, but they’re working just fine anyway.
Updated the Chart with Channels # Used in Post [Community Survey] Homey v5 ZigBee Health check and statistics collection (HomeyScript) - #3 by Dijker
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 2: logStatInfo ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Platform : linux 4.14.15-g3c513a6eca Node.JS v12.16.1
Model : Homey Pro (Early 2019) - Model ID homey3d
CPUs #/Model/Speed : 2 x ARMv7 Processor rev 10 (v7l) - 996 Mhz.
Homey Firmware : 5.0.4
Memory Total : 996 MB - Free : 426024 KB - (42%)
Data and Time : Wednesday 24th March 2021 20:49:31 Zone Europe/Oslo [2021-03-24T19:49:31.881Z]
Uptime : 1d + 21:03:09
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3: Zigbee Network Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Nodes : 29
Routers : 9
EndDevice : 20
manufacturerNames : 2
manufacturerNames : [“LUMI”,“IKEA of Sweden”]
modelIds : 6
modelIds : [“”,“lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1”,“lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2”,“TRADFRI Signal Repeater”,“lumi.plug.maeu01”,“lumi.remote.b1acn01”]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3b: routing is an ephemeral state and may change at any time ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Bad Routes : 0
Routes 0 hops : 3
Routes 1 hops : 12
Routes 2 hops : 9
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 5: Devices active Routing ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
26512 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
24630 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
19078 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
31750 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
36962 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
62523 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
21311 - (LUMI - lumi.plug.maeu01)
33231 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI Signal Repeater)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 6: Zigbee Health Advices ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Curently no advices
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 7: Zigbee Reporting Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
reporting : 10,“00124b001f1f94e2”,2,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“5.0.4”,0,18,0,2,“2.6.3”,29,9,20,2,6,8,“#”,0,3,12,9 , $
Wow, why I didn’t find this sooner ? Thank you @Dijker , fantastic, Athom shall be recommending this by default ! (…and pay you
reporting : 0,"00124b001b44530e",2,false,"Homey Pro (Early 2019)","5.0.4",0,11,0,2,"2.6.3",61,15,46,4,24,14,"#",0,11,38,12 , $
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3b: routing is an ephemeral state and may change at any time ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Bad Routes : 0
# Routes 0 hops : 11
# Routes 1 hops : 38
# Routes 2 hops : 12
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 5: Devices active Routing ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
23892 - (Philips - LWW001)
22201 - (Philips - LCP002)
64684 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI control outlet)
33572 - (Philips - LTW013)
58321 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI control outlet)
25863 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI signal repeater)
25383 - (Philips - LTW013)
48173 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI control outlet)
49470 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI signal repeater)
42632 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI control outlet)
9780 - (Philips - LWW001)
19479 - (Philips - LTC001)
50009 - (Philips - LCP001)
58270 - (IKEA of Sweden - TRADFRI control outlet)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 6: Zigbee Health Advices ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Curently no advices