Can't bluetooth pair new Homey Pro

I try to connect to the bluetooth of a new Homey Pro, but I get an error: “incorrect PIN or access code”. How can I pair? Is there no way to use the LAN instead? It is powered and connected to ethernet LAN. I already tried resetting it, the ring lights blue. My phone is a Google Pixel 7 Pro.

Are you following the steps as outlined in the setup instructions?

Yes I was. It turns out that bluetooth pairing was not needed. It seems the app itself found the device, but only after being idle for a long time.

It’s also not mentioned in the setup instructions that you should… :stuck_out_tongue:

No but it was idle for some time in the app, suggesting that it could not connect. In terms of UI, it would be a lot clearer to see some kind of a progress meter that it continued to search for a Homey…

I agree with Jeroen.
I spent a lot of time to succeed in connecting the homey in Bluetooth, it is associated alone after a long time of inactivity and following a bad handling of my part I have to restart the pairing in Bluetooth and for the moment its not working.
I am surprised by this choice of connection when, in my opinion, Bluetooth is the least reliable communication protocol and has always had trouble working correctly between different manufacturers.

I just received my Homey and had the same issue with my Samsung Galaxy S8.
I tried 10 times to pair with Bluetooth but each time I had an error message in my Bluetooth interface.
As I saw here that it might be solved by itself few hours/days later I stopped trying.

Nothing happens but like 4 hours later I tried again to pair the Bluetooth, still the same error.
I went back to the Home app, stayed on the screen asking to pair the device with Bluetooth and after like 10 seconds I had a success message. Then it moved alone to the next screen (Wifi connection).
I think the Bluetooth pairing never occurred but at least I’m not stuck anymore.

I hope it can help