Bluetooth not working

now for a week bluetooth is not working correctly.

i have 2 switchbot curtains and mi flowers sensors on bluetooth.
around 2-4 after restart of homey bluetooth wil stop working. and get timeout errors or [could_not_find_peripheral].

in the developer menu the bluetooth scan for devices als not working. and after restart it works again for 2-4 hours.

i my homey dying? i have the early 2016 model now.

Did your WiFi channel change? Do you have (many) neighbours with (strong) WiFi?

i did not change wifi channels. Router location did not change.

Closed Bluetooth device are 0,5m away from homey

Same problem for me with bluetooth

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Although it’s strongly nerving and somehow disappointing, it’s relieving to see, that this is a common problem. I’ve experienced out the same issue, that the bluetooth protocol and function respectively is stugging around 6-8 hours after restarting Homey. I use a Homey Pro early 2019.
Hopefully Athom and their developers recognize this as well :man_shrugging:- and not only the users.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hi Albert, it’s best if you inform Athom support with this issue. Go to and scroll down to Customer Support, then follow links.

Hi Peter,
this is exactly what I intended to do in the next few days. Thanks for your advice!

After a while, I finally reached out to Athom’s support. And got immediately (very customerfriendly!) the following response:

"This issue has already been reported by other users and Development is working hard to fix this issue. Unfortunately it’s not an easy issue so I can’t give any guarantees on when a fix can be found and the issue can be resolved, but please know that it has already been forwarded to our development team.

We hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but this will not be in the next firmware update sadly."

Hopefully there will be a solution for it with the firmware update after next…

Just to let you know about the efforts and maintenance in the background, here’s the reply of Athoms support to my repeated request regarding the BLE issue and instability respectively: :sunglasses:

Let’s try to stay confident and to be patient. :+1: