[APP][Pro] Beacon - Detect your presence with BLE beacons

Hi Peter and everybody else here in this topic,
first of all, I would like to wish you all a happy and especially healthy new year. Let’s hope, that in the end it will be a much more peaceful year as the last one. :pray:

@Peter_Kawa Thanks of course for your quick reply. If you would know: for sure I reached out for this certain issue to Athom, and reported this already in February 2023. I shared this by the way under a another, quite general BLE issue: Bluetooth not working - #8 by AlbertGaertner There, you’ll also find a pretty confindent answer from Athom support.
I’m wondering myself as well many times, why Athom isn’t able to solve such very disappointing issue, due to Homey’s core functionallity. What I mean is, that it’s not only a Beacon related, but more common BLE failure. As already mentioned, my Smartphone always recognize my Beacon (without being connected to it, of course; otherwise Homey wouldn’t be able to discover it :man_shrugging:), doesn’t matter at which time or in which condition.

Thanks as well for your advice with a timer for eliminating false positives. I’m sorry, but this is not helpful, as long as Homey doesn’t recognize the Beacon after being in a reachable radius again. Especially laying right next to Homey… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :worried:
I don’t give up in expecting a according firmware update in the next time.

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