Can’t find my Homey Pro 2023! - My Homey Pro doesn’t have a pinhole on the back!

I also have the same problem. My Homey Pro doesn’t have a pinhole on the back!

Split from Can’t find my Homey Pro 2023!
as it isn’t the same… You should not bother users of a topic with a clearly different problem.

Photos or it didn’t happen.

This is the back of my Homey Pro.

Wow, nice manufacturing error :woozy_face:

The hole is probably still there, just covered by the rubber:

There is still no pinhole on the back.

My bridge is in the setup state with blue ring color, but I can’t find it on the Homey App. I was able to find a bluetooth device with the name BLUE_HOMEY_BRIDGE using the LightBlue App.

We’re not talking about the bridge here, but about the Homey Pro :roll_eyes:

manufacturing error? Then they put a usb mini connecter and a bridge type plate also…

Guess a typical user error

So I cannot add a homey bridge on the Homey App now?

Yes, I shouldn’t assume that people actually know what product they have :man_shrugging:t3:

I believe that the Bluetooth autodiscovery doesn’t work on some Android devices. There are probably a few threads about this on the forum (but not this one :wink: ) if you search for it.

:rofl: I’m using an iPhone 13, i think that’s not the problem.

The setup for a Honey Bridge is different from setting up a Homey Pro.
Just follow the right instructions:

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Moved it,

Split from Can’t find my Homey Pro 2023!
as it isn’t the same… You should not bother users of a topic with a clearly different problem.

Don’t know what you are trying to do but it look to miscommunication or misinformation.
fe HY0016 is not a Homey Pro, it is a Bridge. A Bridge doesn’t have a Pinhole.

If the last Tip from @Henk_Renting doesn’t solve it, please contact support Support | Homey

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I’m so sorry about that, I made a mistake. Thank you very much.