Aqara & Xiaomi ZigBee Test App error [incompatible_app_version]

Hallo allemaal,

Ik wil graag de T1 Switch van Aqara installaren op de Homey, maar vooralsnog zie ik dit apparaat alleen in de testversie van de Aqara App:

Als ik deze testversie wil installeren in mijn Homey krijg ik de volgende foutmelding: “[incompatible_app_version]”.

Weet iemand hoe ik dit kan oplossen, ofwel hoe ik alsnog de Aqara T1 Switch kan installeren in de Homey?

Mijn Homey draait op firmware versie 4.2 (de stable version) van Mei 2020.

I would like to have the Aqara T1 Switch running on my Homey. As far as I know, this is not possible with the current, stable Aqara app version, but only by the testversion; Aqara App voor Homey | Homey
When installing this app however, I get the following error: [incompatible_app_version]

My Homey firmware version is latest (4.2 / May2020).

I’m afraid it’s not possible to install the test version of the app on the currently stable (v4) firmware. You’d have to wait until the v5 firmware becomes stable, or install the experimental v5 version (but be aware that it’s experimental and can cause issues).

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When do you think the new Aqara version will be released? :slight_smile:

When it’s ready :man_shrugging:t3: