Apps missing after update of web page

I’m not able to locate some apps using search after the update of the app store.

Example: “Mill” for wifi heaters. Old url:

The old webpage said this app is in beta, might this be why it is excluded? Is there somewhere I can enable beta apps?

Including a screenshot from the old app page:

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Just CLI install

Yes, any app that were beta (and/or alpha) only can’t be found in the store currently, and probably need to be resubmitted by the developer, they at least need to make contact with Athom.

Thanks! Managed to build it and deploy myself. Never realized how simple the workflow is :slight_smile:

I can’t find any of my apps, stable or otherwise.

For days already.

This is the best way how to f… your customers. Im OK with problems that users are aware of (zigbee, IR, backup…) because I was aware of it, when I made my decision to move to Homey. However to make such an update to key functionality of Homey (yes, Homey is just a expensive white ball without apps) without advance notice to users and with such a result, its like to say FU users, we do whatever we want!
I had installed Homey in one of my customers a week ago. Imagine that I would do it now, after I persuade my customer that Homey is the right solution for him. Yes, you bought white ball, enjoy your Christmas.


Be careful with installing Homeys in customers m8!

The app store is being index, as per the blog message -

You can still add apps through the Homey app - tell your customers that.

Jamie, could you show me how? I will get to same page trough the app and when I hit the search buttun, i get just a articles and blogs, but no app.

Any zwave + zigbee alternative with such a wide device support and scene/flow ability? Prici is not an issue in this case.

Indexing should take several minutes not several days. They just have wrong configured their search provider.


Installing through the Android app doesn’t seem to be possible. Pressing the “+” under apps just gives a web view of Homey Apps, and using the provided web search gives me blog article results.

What a horrible way to improve the user experience…

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Try the “+” under your devices (not apps) and search for the device…

I feel like youre trying to be deliberately difficult - see attached image

Store seems to be searching fine for me on the site - perhaps check what language you’ve selected

Jamie thanks a lot. Didnt know there is an option to search for an app directly in Homey app :thinking:. Learning every day…

Great that it is working for some people, but when I try to add an app through the Homey App it opens the same idiotic webpage; Homey Cloud Apps. I’m running the 3.1.0 version of the app (7 november 2009), and it doesn’t matter if I set my phone to English or Dutch.

You should try to add a device, not an app. When adding a device the app is installed automatically.

Ow… Ouch… :zipper_mouth_face: