LG received an email from the Tuya team, and the TL;DR is that Tuya is now asking us to pay for their private cloud environment, despite our original agreement that we wouldn’t incur these charges.
It seems likely that this shift is related to our main contact at Tuya leaving, as she was the one championing our partnership internally.
We’re actively working on a solution and will keep everyone updated.
Well, with the magnitude of Tuya, I don’t think they really care if a bunch of Homey users will be left in the dark. Us being annoyed with Tuya doesn’t make (a big) impact.
If LG/Homey takes the bait and pays for it the cash flow will make some impact.
True, nothing weird about that. I guess they thought with LG now behind Athom it is fair to ask for a payment. I don’t know how much it is, but I think I read somewhere that it is quite a lot and it is not a “per user fee”. If it IS a fee per user, I would say: just pay up!
Please help, when I trying to log in to the tuya app, after entering the email, an error message appears:
Tips - No matching App user information, please re-enter or switch the regional version
region is : Czech Republic(+420)
server International
Language English
account Tuya log in with email in native Tuya app is OK, but from Homey not.
I also check the same style log in the android app “smart things” for managing tuya devices from this app, and this log was OK, no any error.
I have homey pro 2023, log into Tuya tested from android an win10 with same result.
Hello Group,
I’m using Homey pro and Tuya cloud app.
I have a temperature sensor and if i ad it with the Tuya cloud app i cant find the temperature sensor, only CO and smoke sensor, if i try to ad it with Thermostat it wont work.
We don’t know how things went. Perhaps Tuya were unpleasantly surprised about the acquisition of Athom by LG, and that might have changed the terms under which the current contract is set up.
But shouldn’t this already be included in the device purchase price? E.g. if I buy a netatmo air sensor, the cloud access is included. Same goes for all my other IOT stuff, maybe excluding cameras.
My Clean Air Optima dehumidifier uses the Tuya platform. So I presume they payed Tuya so that I can use it with the Tuya app. Why do we, or Homey, now has to pay a 2nd time !?
Because that’s Tuya business model: if you want to provide access to Tuya devices for your users, you have to pay.
Why would brands like Netatmo have to pay for accesses to their devices from Homey users when the brand has no control over those accesses (the amount of accesses, or the statistics generated by those accesses)?
You have cloud access included in all your Tuya devices. They have their own app that is working very well. It’s is our problem that we want to have these devices in Homey.
IMO cloud access should be included in the purchase price, no matter the access platform. Be it the Tuya app, Home assistant, Homey or something else. An API call is an API call. People are sick and tired of all these subscriptions models. At least that’s my 2 cents.
Your opinion doesn’t matter to Tuya, they have their own business model that is (partially) based on making brands pay for API calls. Brands factor those costs into their product prices, but when a Homey user makes 10.000 API calls while a “regular” brand user would only make 1.000 API calls, why would a brand have to pay for those 9.000 extra API calls, and not Athom?
Ok, I can relate to that. But then a free tier (read: payed for implicitly in the purchase price) for let’s say 1000 calls a day would be nice. Heck, I only need about 4 a day.
You paid for being able to access the device using the app that the device’s brand provides (or the Tuya/Smart Life app, if they don’t provide a customised app). It’s your choice to not use those apps, but use Homey instead.
Tuya doesn’t charge users for accessing their devices, but brands. You basically switched to another brand (Homey) to access the device, so it’s fair that that brand has to pay for access too.
It is about time we get an update from the Homey team. Many people cannot control their devices on the homey platform. The Tuya cloud app is an official supported app. So Homey team, show that you care