I’m also curious to hear more. I’ve reached out to our development team to check if they’re seeing any new traffic in the Tuya console.
Still waiting on a response from the Tuya team, though.
I’m also curious to hear more. I’ve reached out to our development team to check if they’re seeing any new traffic in the Tuya console.
Still waiting on a response from the Tuya team, though.
People tend to complain fast and praise slow.
I still have issues. After restarting the tuya app in Homey, some are working again, but others got the exclamation mark with didn’t had the exclamation mark before…
Hope that it will resolve by itself (as mentioned above), because I really don’t want the ‘re-install’ all my lights and the flows that go with them.
I have exactly the same problem. I did work, but i deleted thye app after some messages that something was old and i had to renew it. I had problems with that also, so i delete the tuya app en re-installed it after. sinds then i get the same massage :no matching app user information. Tried everyting, even reset homey, nothing helps, tuya app is no longer accessable.
Did rebooting the homey pro help for you?
no, still no access to tuya.
I’m seeing some devices come back, and others go (back) offline. Currently 5 devices out of 30 offline - all have previously been offline and back online.
In my particular situation, I had never set up a Tuya/Smart Life device before, so I have no active devices in Homey. However, I can confirm that restarting Homey, uninstalling and reinstalling Tuya, and then trying to log in still does NOT work. Same error as previously mentioned (“no matching app user information”).
Yes, it seems it did.
I didn’t delete anything. No app, no devices.
Just first try to repair some of the devices, then I got the error. At some point I noticed at least one light was addressable again. The other one was not controllable, but if I changed it in the Guys app the changes were visible in Homey.
After that, I rebooted the Homey Pro, went back to gardening (I always forget to check) and after some time everything was working again
Same here
Oh, I installed the very first ‘official’ Tuya test app back in june, so I think I’m also not a new integration user…
But it’s Tuya being Tuya I guess.
However, it used to work pretty stable with the Tuya Cloud community app, but I understand Athom uses an other API and such.
It hasn’t worked for 3 days, it’s complicated to depend on a single service, I just arrived on Homey Pro 2023, I was on Home assistant. I have already integrated quite a few products in Zigbee but I have around 25 in Tuya, no choice of Wifi.
Very nice interface and easy to manage, but here are the problems, the problem is not a breakdown of 1 hour or 2 hours but several days. I’m going to return my box I think. Have a nice day everyone.
I would return all tuya devices… as there is no decent local integration. Only cloud.
When outside local network, devices also show up as offline in tuya’s smart life app.
I hope this will get fixed soon…
Has anyone solved this issue yet? It is really disturbing.
Well this is awesome, got my Homey Pro today to just find out this doesn’t work. So far not good start.
I think patience is in order here
Congratulations, your probably have done decades without and today the same day you received Homey Pro you realize using cloud services isn’t the smartest thing. So if you find that important Homey Pro was het best choice you made. And now choose for local protocols like z-wave and zigbee where you think local control is important and is a way to eliminate dependency like Tuyya Cloud.
I think it is the best start you made.
I agree, I love it so far. I’m already looking into changing Smart Life devices to Matter ones since I’m also switching from Amazon to Google and Apple. So anything Tuya and Amazon brands will be gone soon, so this was not a big deal, just my over excitement got reality check LOL
My Homey Pro still depends on cloud services
Also, this Tuya issue seems to be very LG Homey-only, I haven’t had any issues with the single Tuya device I have on Home Assistant (and also not issues being posted about it on the HA forums).
And don’t worry, that single Tuya device that I have also has full local control as of yesterday