[APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

Hmmm are you sure… I’m using the same Tuya account for 4 years now, and still I can’t login to the Homey Tuya app anymore :man_shrugging::wink: (it did work a few times though, weeks ago).

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The restriction applies to new users of the integration specifically—not new Tuya users in general.

To clarify further, Tuya has disabled the “Developer Authorization Code Mode - Tuya Public App Authorization” feature, citing “business security risks” as the reason. We’re awaiting additional details from them on this matter.


I must be a lucky man…

I use the Tuya app since it is officially an Athom-app, for about 2 to 3 months I think.
I have connected my heatpump (Adlar Castra Aurora 2) to Homey Pro 2023 by means of the Tuya app and it is working great. I can read many variables and control some of them so that I have my own “stooklijn”.

Hopefully it wil stay working, otherwise I will get problems with the temperature in house :cold_face:

I have 10 tuya devices. 6 are working, 4 not.
I’m using tuya account for 2 years and I didn’t changed anything on homey.

Best regards and hope You fix this (Athom) sooner then later.

I really hope this gets resolved soon. Ultimately, it’s up to Tuya to get their act together and stop leaving us hanging here.


As of today I have some issues too

The “interesting” thing here is: both devices show an error and indeed the right one is switched on and the left one is off.
If I control them using Tuya it does work and the status is reflected in Homey accordingly.
After some fiddling the right one is working again and doesn’t show an error. Trying to “repair” the left one results in

Hi, my two Smart Life plugs stop connecting to homey. Tuya does not seem to find my account anymore. The plugs can still be controlled fromt he Smart Life app. Repair does not help, re-installing Tuya app on Homey does not work… Any solution?
Many thanks

Read the official app thread.

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Therefore moved

Hello this morning I noticed that a lot of my devices all from Tuya are not working anymore.
I checked also the normal Tuya app and there are no problems at all.
Are there more users with these problems?

It’s starting to be annoying the Tuya products more and more are not responding or losing WiFi also in the normal Tuya app, I really hope this will solved of I need to buy more products from aqara.


The same problems are occurring here!

The strange thing is that not all of them lost connection. After resetting the app, a few of them still lost connection, but one of them reconnected.

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Search the forum and check the official app thread…

Therefore moved

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I woke up to the same issue as several people above are reporting. I first encountered the problem on October 4 and raised an issue here. You will see I was told it was probably because the device had been added under an old version of the app - which I was prepared to accept.

However, one of the devices reporting problems was completely new to SmartLife and Homey last week, and removing and re-adding devices doesn’t fix the problem.

I’ve raised a new issue. Fell free to chime in on the issue if you have something to add.


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Just had this happen as well, sigh…
The strange thing is that some devices are controllable but some others aren’t.
All tuya devices I use are the exact same model smart plug so its really strange, for example one is used in a flow which executes perfectly but another one is just seen as “offline”.
Trying to repair → Login shows the same error message as those above me in this thread.

Everything was working fine until this morning, its really problematic since I use these devices to control the heating in my chicken coop, I really need this working so the chickens don’t freeze to death :open_mouth:

If we don’t hear back from the Tuya team via email, we’ll have the chance to connect with them at the CSA event in Budapest next week, where they’ll also be attending. We’ll ensure we get some answers then.


For me all of my tuya devices started working again since an hour.


Broken for me. Deleted my unavailable tuya device, tried to add it again and always get this after sending my login credentials:

Same here. No exclamation marks anymore.

Still people having issues? Or is it working for everyone again?
I did also reboot my Homey Pro