[APP][PRO] YouLess, Enelogic, PVOutput - Belgian and Dutch P1 Smart Meter Reader

What I did (and please advise if not doing it right) is adding energy total from the LS120 to the graphs and kWh previous day. I selected ‘past 7 days’. Now I know this isn’t super accurate but at least should give some rough estimates.

On december first. The kwh previous day was 28.8kWh. The day started at 631kWh and ended with 653, this is 22kWh. → Vattenval 21kWh
December second 20.8kWh on LS120, day started at 653 and 678 which makes 25kWh → Vattenval 26
Dec 3th, 25,5kWh on LS120, 678 - 706 = 28kWh → Vattenval 28
Dec 4th, 27.9kWh on LS120, 706 and 730 = 24kWh → Vattenval 24
Dec 5th, 24.7kWh on LS120, 730 and 757 = 27kWh → Vattenval 27
Dec 6th, 34.1kWh on LS120, 757 and 785 = 28kWh → Vattenval 28

If I look at this, it seems pretty much the same, right.

But when I do a report on my timeline with kWh previous day… it tells me 20kWh. What does this report then?


I understand ‘this day’ isn’t finished yet… but kWh previous day should report 28kWh, right?

In above list can you add what PBTH reported? (Check ‘previous day’ insights)

In insights previous day says 20kWh… but also gives 7th of dec… which is today…

I mean, can you add the PBTH values in the table from 2-12 till 6-12.

Note that the insights in PBTH for ‘previous day’ are shifted a day (hence it is called ‘previous’ day :wink:). So the previous day value on the 7th is showing the total of the 6th.

Oh men! I guess there is something going wrong in my head.

LS120 Vattenval Prev day
1-dec 22 21 21
2-dec 25 26 25
3-dec 28 28 28
4-dec 24 24 24
5-dec 27 27 34
6-dec 28 28 20

On dec 5 and 6 something is weird. Don’t know what went wrong. But subtracting 8 from the 34 is 26 so is pretty much the same as LS120 and Vattenval report. Adding those 8 to dec 6 makes 28 again.

I guess everything just works… but I got confused with this last day. Thanks for your help!

But why is PBTH reporting an incorrect value on 5 and 6 december? It should be the same as what LS120 is reporting. Actually PBTH just substracts the meter values at midnight, just as what you now did by hand.

Did Homey or any of the apps have a restart maybe? Or did you change the PBTH device settings?

Honestly don’t know. I have a periodic reboot of homey he does that at Monday mornings at 04 am. So maybe if the ‘starting’ but is still present it could be something like this? Now I’m thinking about it, I did have some exclamation marks on the PBTH devices but solved after restarting the app. Don’t really remember anymore if this was on Monday, could very well be. No changes to the PBTH devices.

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That can explain it.

I’ve now created a flow which restarts the PBTH app after a crash of the app. Just don’t know what Homey sees as an App crash. But hopefully this solves it. Thanks for your help!

I just released v4.1.0

  • Added support for Belgian P1 (reversed peak-offPeak).
  • youless@2.4.0.

Belgian users can now switch on ‘reversed’ in the device settings. This will fix the reversed peak, offPeak and tariff.

@willemss001 can you test the Belgian setting?

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Of course, no problem. Sorry for not reading.

Here the translation:
Many thanks for all the hard work still and gone into developing Homey apps. I saw there were a few updates passed days, and discovered some things that might interest the developers.

The gasmeter registration is registering negative results, see print screen below. Approximately every 24 hours. The youless is connected to the P1 port. I thought a would report this issue.

I have made a report via Homey with the following number 246414.

If you have any questions let me know.

I just released v4.2.0 as test

  • Fix tariff change flow trigger.
  • Fix filter unrealistic values option.
  • Fix password pair S0.
  • Added error on connection loss to smart meter.

Who is willing to test?

Works perfectly! thanks you so much/ :+1:

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Would love to test, but I’m on Homey Beta. Hope your app becomes available for that as well, despite the new account hassle. Keep up the good work!

I just released v4.2.1 in the app store:

  • Fix flow start before capabilities update.
  • Log tarrif change.
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I just released version 4.2.3

  • Changed internal FLOW code.
  • Fix flow AND card for tariff sometimes incorrect.
  • youless@2.5.1.
  • Improved auto discovery.
  • Added support for German firmware in LS110/LS120.

Hi @Gruijter

Really love you app and dedication to it!

Im using the s0 interface of the youless ls120 for my gas meter (which has a pulse meter) could you maybe add gas as an option for the s0 interface?

I have it connected already but obiously the values are showing kwh or liters

Thanks in advance

Ill have a look at it once I can get my dev station running again. House is being redecorated and all is a big mess now :mask:

Great thanks! Good luck on the redecorations

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You might want to change the firmware of your youless if you want gas capabilities.
