[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Miija (Temperature and Humidity)

What does that even mean?

I don’t know what to do after this screen. I’m so sorry.

It’s all explained in the post you linked to.

FYI, I took over app from Zsotl, who unfortunately do not own Homey anymore, and will update it hopefully latest this weekend with latest pull request from Robert, so CLI install workaround will be not required anymore.


I am getting the same error, can you help me with how you solved the problem.

Thank you very much.

New test version published, PLEASE test Bluetooth devices, if it’s still working - eventually send me diag. report. During handover, I found out that BLE is polled despite of not having device, so I changed it so it will poll device only in case any is registered.

**Changelog 1.2.2. **

  • logging improvement + disabled Zigbee debug
  • added safety checks for humidity/temperature values outside of measurable limits for Zigbee
  • I wonder if battery level has been ever reported correctly, seems that the value hasn’t been divided by 2
  • added product ID LYWSD03MMC-z based on pull request from @robertklep
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:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: @ugrbnk @Zeka_Peka @AKToth @Lars_Moller :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

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Thank you very much, added.


Version 1.2.3 — Added temperature offsets



Any feedback on Bluetooth devices, working fine on this version?

Hello, can the device in the link be added?

Frankly, that’s rather out of the scope for given app, also seems there is no any other existing integration like this - have you done some research eventually - if so, prlase share.

I wonder however what would be the use case considering pretty limited Bluetooth range of Homey (2023).


Version 1.2.4 - Added LYWSDCGQ/01ZM (BLE)

Version 1.2.5-7 Refactor of LYWSDCGQ/01ZM (BLE) driver

Version 1.2.8 Multiple adjustments for LYWSD03MMC

(no modifications required)


Note - while humidity and temperatures are taken from advertisement which sensor sends,I was not able to decode battery level without connecting and using ServiceUuid and CharacteristicUuid - if someone would be able to advise, please PM me
Note 2 - thanks to consultancies of @robertklep , now the version 1.2.5 data are read with much higher reliability (in terms of values) but does require periodic connectivity to the device itself, so in case of low RSSI (eg. for HP2023 that’s a big problem), you might get no data after all but I added also info about RSSI as the device capability so you can check if you have that problem or not


Hi, it would be useful for me too, I have a couple of these night lights within 10m from the hub and I could use the pir sensors to trigger flows…

Device request: LYWSD02MMC
Bluetooth temp & humidity Clock. This is the larger (pro) version of the one people already have requested.

I have that device but until Athom fix the BLE issues on HP23 or will release Bridge BLE satellite support, I’m not going to implement it :frowning:

I’m reading about a lot of Bluetooth issues with the Homey Pro 2023. Which temperature sensors work well with the Homey Pro 2023?