[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

2023-05-16 - v3.2.1 - LIVE

Development has been transferred to a new developer. This release is a complete rewrite of the app including many breaking changes. The app has been fully rewritten using SDK3 and has been tested with Homey Pro 2023 to make it futureproof. This new version also merges the devices from the Mi Homey community app making that app obsolete.

Some previously paired devices with version 3.0.9 of the app might continu to work but please re-pair your devices and/or fix your flows before reporting any issue with the new version of the app. If the issue persists after re-pair please report it here or preferably on Github . When reporting issues please report the actual device model ID of your device, the drivers you have tested it with (also check for supported devices here) and submit a diagnostic report from the app settings.

See the first post for further instructions on pairing, the supported devices and what to when requesting support for currently unsupported devices.

I have deleted all the previous reviews in the app store as they do not reflect the state of this new update. If you appreciate this app please consider adding a review. Please also consider donating if you appreciate the free time I put into this.


is there a way to correct the humidity value on the “deerma.humidifier.jsq5” it shows 0.38% when it should show 38%

The target or measured humidity?

it is the measured humidity

I’m a bit hesitant to change it as various documentation sources tell me the source should already be supported as a value between 0 and 100. I havent heard anyone else about this. Could you submit a report on Github.

I can see that it should send something between 0-100 but could it be that it send the decimal value for %

this is what I see

<img width=“340” height=“717” style=“width:3.5416in;height:7.4687in” id=“Bildobjekt_x0020_2” src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/business4/uploads/athom/original/3X/8/b/8b4a8523ea538c25d72b24f1735ccda504337939.jpeg” alt="En bild som visar text, skärmbild, diagram, nummer

Automatiskt genererad beskrivning"><img width=“331” height=“718” style=“width:3.4479in;height:7.4791in” id=“Bildobjekt_x0020_3” src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/business4/uploads/athom/original/3X/b/d/bd6cd6a2a10b5587c0e70d7a0fee1cd93e5b770a.jpeg” alt="En bild som visar text, skärmbild, design

Automatiskt genererad beskrivning">

I have submitted an issue on Github

Since the update to version 3.2.1 my Yeelight Smart LED bulbs are not working anymore, i saw support for these has been removed from the app (i am using the YLDP01YL and YLDP05YL). Is it possible to add these again, or do i need to install the Yeelight homey app?

Support for Yeelights was dropped years ago and is now completely removed. Switch to the Yeelights LAN app for these devices.

Allright, will do then. I am using the “old” Homey Pro and it worked for many years, so that’s why :wink:

Edit: I see they only work with the Official Yeelight app, not with the LAN (community) version of the app. It isn’t detecting them althought LAN sharing is enabled for these lights in the Yeelight app.

@Phuturist Would it be possible to include Xiaomi-Yeelight-Candela (Xiaomi Yeelight Candela BLE Lights App voor Homey | Homey) Since that app isn’t supported anymore? Yes, I know it’s Xiaomi Yeelight (and Yeelight isn’t supported in this app right?), and Yes…it’s bluetooth :rofl:

Just had to try :+1:

If you send me one I’ll add it to the Yeelights LAN app. Without the light itself I can not add it.

Yesterday I added the Smartmi Standing Fan 2S (zhimi.fan.za4) as an Advanced Smartmi/ZhiMi Fan (WiFi). The device was added without any issues. But I noticed that changing the fan speed within the devices tab of Homey doesn’t change the fan speed of the Fan itself. Also there is no flow card to change the device speed.

When I add the device using the Basic Smartmi/ZhiMi Fan (WiFi) I do have flow cards to change the speed, but there are way less options in the device tab.

Is this a known problem and should I use the Basic option, or is this a bug?

Submit a bug on Github including a diagnostic report when paired with the advanced driver and trying to change the fanspeed. Also request to add a flowcard for it if needed.

Thanks for your reply. I submitted the bug on Github. If you need more information don’t hesitate to ask :).

Sitting with the Standing fan 2 here, and I’m not able to figure out a way to get the device token - how did you do that?

you tried read this Obtain token · jghaanstra/com.xiaomi-miio Wiki · GitHub

I’ve tried Method 1 on a Mac, but couldn’t complete…

Is Windows version better?

I also used the link that Shiki provided. I don’t know for sure if I used the Windows or the Android variant, but one of the two worked for me.

I get errors when changing mode using flows on my smartmi Air purifier 2 (zhimi.airpurifier.za1) ,
mode gets changed but it spits out the error . “Invalid capability (homey:app:com.xiaomi-miio:airpurifier_zhimi_mode) value type. Expected: string. Got: number”

Submit an issue on GitHub.