[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

You’re a machine!
For V3.1.5: Power plug seems to be working; no luck adding double relay.

Isn’t functional after all. Should be ‘on’ since this morning but still didn’t report anything…

Made another replacement icon for a possible next update. This time the SmartMi Fan 3.



Restart the app, wait 5 minutes, switch the plug and send me a diagnostic report please.

2023-03-10 - v3.1.6 - TEST

This release is a complete rewrite of the app including many breaking changes. The app has been fully rewritten with SDK3 to make it futureproof. This new version also merged the devices from the community app Mi Homey. Some previously paired devices might continu to work but please re-pair your devices and/or fix your flows before reporting any issue. If the issue persists after re-pair please report it on the community forum or Github.

I have just published a new test version to the test channel of the app store and I’m looking for people to properly test this version as it will contain bugs. As the release also contains breaking changes the only way to properly test it if you encounter an issue is by re-pairing the device and/or fix your flows and test if the issues still persists. If so, please report it here or preferably on Github .

If you want to go back to the live version you will have to re-pair and/or fix your flows again as both versions are not fully back- and forwards compatible.

Updates in 3.1.6

  • Fix for Mi Plug Zigbee subdevice not receiving status updates
  • Fix for Go-To-Target action card for vacuum cleaners
  • Possibly fix issues with vacuum cleaner status and state commands

The test version can be installed through this link: Xiaomi Mi Home | Homey

Done for v3.1.6

Too late, 3.1.6 already fixed it. Tested it myself. If you have issues, try re-pairing it.

2023-03-10 - v3.1.7 - TEST

This release is a complete rewrite of the app including many breaking changes. The app has been fully rewritten with SDK3 to make it futureproof. This new version also merged the devices from the community app Mi Homey. Some previously paired devices might continu to work but please re-pair your devices and/or fix your flows before reporting any issue. If the issue persists after re-pair please report it on the community forum or Github.

I have just published a new test version to the test channel of the app store and I’m looking for people to properly test this version as it will contain bugs. As the release also contains breaking changes the only way to properly test it if you encounter an issue is by re-pairing the device and/or fix your flows and test if the issues still persists. If so, please report it here or preferably on Github .

If you want to go back to the live version you will have to re-pair and/or fix your flows again as both versions are not fully back- and forwards compatible.

Updates in 3.1.7

  • Fix for Mi Plug Zigbee subdevice not receiving status updates
  • Fix for Go-To-Target action card for vacuum cleaners
  • Possibly fix issues with vacuum cleaner status and state commands
  • Fix for issues with device settings of the vacuum introduced in 3.1.6
  • Fix for issue with humidity and temperature sensor introduced in 3.1.6

The test version can be installed through this link: Xiaomi Mi Home | Homey


Works like a charm for mi plugs! :heart_eyes:
Unfortunately, not yet for double relay.

That’s not going to work for now as well. I need a unit to test with before being able to integrate it.


2023-03-11 - v3.1.8 - TEST

This release is a complete rewrite of the app including many breaking changes. The app has been fully rewritten with SDK3 to make it futureproof. This new version also merged the devices from the community app Mi Homey. Some previously paired devices might continu to work but please re-pair your devices and/or fix your flows before reporting any issue. If the issue persists after re-pair please report it on the community forum or Github.

I have just published a new test version to the test channel of the app store and I’m looking for people to properly test this version as it will contain bugs. As the release also contains breaking changes the only way to properly test it if you encounter an issue is by re-pairing the device and/or fix your flows and test if the issues still persists. If so, please report it here or preferably on Github .

If you want to go back to the live version you will have to re-pair and/or fix your flows again as both versions are not fully back- and forwards compatible.

Updates in 3.1.8

Breaking change: Completely reworked the code for the vacuum cleaners. This means devices that where paired after the release of version 3.1.0. Need to be repaired. You can choose between a basic vacuum cleaner driver that should support most cleaners and an advanced driver that should support more advanced models. Please test and report on Github.

The test version can be installed through this link: Xiaomi Mi Home | Homey


Hi there,

As many homey 2023s have been delivered today, i’m wondering: is the current (test) version working on homey 2023 already?
PS: i understand it might have some bugs

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s working on Homey Pro Early 2023.

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Just to be clear, is this a Zigbee or a WiFi device? The code in the Mi Homey seems to contain a mix of both protocols. It’s a real mess.

Hi @Phuturist, first off; love the efforts that you are putting in it! Tested version 3.1.7 on the 2023 Homey this afternoon and was able to add the Mi Robot v1 vacuum, even getting extra options and showing the page with amount of hours/meters cleaned and the percentages of brushes etc.

2 hours ago the app got an update (3.1.8) and it broke the vacuum cleaners to the point that I had to re-add them. All good but now the options of vacuums are limited. I chose the “advanced vacuum cleaner (WiFi)” and I can successfully add the vacuum. Downside now is that it is not showing all the details it did before. Just checking if this was intended or that there’s a way to re-add the other vacuum options?

Again, appreciate your efforts!

There seems to be a difference between vacuums. I tested it on a S7 that shows all details with this config. What is not showing for you on what vacuum model?

So in the previous version of the app (3.1.7) I was able to see the data that now shows missing/unknown (entire second screenshot now missing values that were showing and in the first screenshot all “total” values.)

I have the xiaomi Mi Robot vacuum v1

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Detailed report

Sorry for the late reply.
It is a pure zigbee device

The update for the vacuum is really nice. I’m going to to test with my S5 max.

In another app there are 2 features that I often use. Is it possible to add this too?

  • room layout is changed. To see or the vacuum is on another floor
  • send vacuum to coordinates. To send the vacuum to the bin or something like that.
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