For those using Homey/the Xiaomi Mi Flora app in the Dutch language: I just wanted to share the following. I could not figure out why my flows that report on a threshold violation of a specific sensor would not run.
I finally found out that the actual sensor names in Dutch sometimes deviate from the ones used on the device’s sensors tab and device’s advanced settings page. Specifically those related to nutrition and brightness. As such I was using incorrect sensor names, causing the logic card in my flows to fail.
Device sensors tab: Voeding
Device adv. settings: Voeding
Actual sensor name: voedingwaarde (NB without a ‘tussen-s’)
Instead of changing them, it may be an option to add it somewhere in the explanatory text of the card or in the guidance in the initial post above.
Another thought: I have a number of switches for which each button can have multiple states (pressed once, pressed twice, long press). So a 2 button switch has 2 x 3 possbible combinations of press actions.
Instead of having a WHEN card for each possible action or a combination of a WHEN card per button and an AND card to indicate the action, there is only one WHEN card in which the user can select the button/action combination in a pull down menu. See the following screenshot as an example of a 2 button switch.
Perhaps such a setup would also be an idea for the Xiaomi Mi Flora WHEN cards. E.g. the WHEN cards ‘Sensor value is above/below/outside threshold’ would contain a dropdown menu in which you select the respective sensor. You would then not have to add an AND logic card to compare the sensor tag with the one you are addressing. Similar for the device tag in case of a generic WHEN card.