[APP][Pro] Xiaomi mi flora sensor/ropot app

Hi, just got me some sensors I thougt was Mi Flora, but when received it shows HHCC on them and they work with the android app Flower Care. I can’t find the Mi Flora phone app in the Store. Is this the same brand, just rebranded? Will they work with your Homey app?


Indeed it’s the same brand, and they’ll work in homey (2019 that is, seems to still be problems on the 2023 model due to their Bluetooth module :frowning:)

Hi, when I realized that I had to exclude them from the android app first, then I had no issue to include them to HP23, but afterwards they did not update. So as you said seems to be an issue with the Bluetooth module on HP23, unfortunately. I have include them into the android app again while await update from Athom.

I suggest to use the search bar?

There is a difference between Homey apps and phone apps. It was the android app Mi Flora I could not find in the store. It is called Flower Care now. Hence my question.
The instruction in Homey Mi Flora app could be updated to reflect the new name of Flower Care.


I know, I didn’t read it too well apparently, my bad!

is there a possibility to crowfund the integration of Flower Care app directly into homey?

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I’ve just published to the store:


  • added alarm capabilities when the capabilities are out of range

Hi there,

I have the same problem. Had no problems adding the devices though :slight_smile:



Has anyone gotten any information/news regarding the Bluetooth bug with Homey 2023 and Mi Flora?

Some good news regarding Bluetooth / Homey is that they confirmed at their Q/A that they will launch a Bluetooth satellite mode, which is awesome. If they only could fix the Bluetooth problems w. The 2023 model….

Naah, seems there is no bug, nobody complains. ;-(

Just beware, might take long…

There would be a way to solve it, just to get the notifications from Flora instead of making direct connections. Like I have it now with ESPHOME, the only side-effect is missing battery info. I believe it could improve the situation a little.

Well, I wrote my 4th mail to Athom today and got this answer:

"This issue has indeed already been reported by other users. I can’t give any guarantees on when this issue will be found and resolved as support, but please know that I will forward this issue to our development team again.

The Developer of the App has his own channels for asking for support directly from our Developers, and he should use those channels if he needs something to change in Homey or help working around an issue. This is how the issue can be resolved, if the Developer already got an answer but a fix from our side is not possible then there is nothing more I or our Developers can do. Please ask him if he used the appropriate channels."

@Koktail, have you by any chance tried recently to ask the devs for more info regarding the issue? Any concrete answers?

Yes, the issue is already reported obviously.

Any chance you could bump it or provide new information to escalate the ticket?

Might be dumb questions from my side, sorry for that, but I really wanna make this work.

If there is nothing you can do I of course respect that.

I don’t have more info. Please send a diagnosis report with your issue. I’ll forward that.

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So Athom is keen on getting some more logs from app ? Myself I took over recently one BLE app and also observe strange bugs and issues…

For everyone that want to have more automation of the xiaomi mi flora sensors. I am building a smart mobile app to keep your plants happy. And the beta release is out! :rocket:

Read more about on Urbanjungle.care app or urbanjungle.care


After too much hassle with xiaomi mi flora and bluetooth issues, I’ve bought FYTA sensors and they work perfectly in homey.

Regarding the report, I just had the usual thing happen again: all my 23 sensors stopped reporting at the same time, here’s the diagnostic report: 87bc0304-39ae-4089-9c58-4c7bfd202cf4