[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

It’s a tradeoff: wait until something changes with this app, or spend extra money for a quick solution.

The official Tuya app has limited options. No support for Switched ect. and limited When cards.

So not really usable

problem is that I don’t see nothing on the horizon.

Also the Official Tuya App, has a lot way to go, and is cloud based and also no Zigbee… only with a Zigbee hub… so thinking about HA…

I migrated from HA to Homey, because HA was to unstable for me, a lot of times, especially after updates that all my Zigbee devices where gone, or did not function anymore, and I had to add them all again.
After reading about Homey i thought it was more stable and the support of ahome and the community was good.
I still have almost no problems with how homey function, but the development of the comunity is not as good as I thought it was.

Ok. When you return to HA again: You are not forced to update.
And first check the discussions after an update announcement. Bugs are reported pretty quickly.
This can prevent headaches.

The case you describe sounds like the issues I had with Zigbee2mqtt, and this has nothing to do with HA stability :man_shrugging:
Zigbee2mqtt sends and receives it’s data to, well, mqtt.
With the newly build ember driver it’s rocksolid again.

The dev of the ember driver also stated certain Tuya Zigbee devices can fack up your Zigbee mesh pretty bad.

Yeah Zigbee2mqtt was a lot of time the one that cause the problem.
But beside prblems with that, also the HA updates give some times problems, the database got corrupted, and sometimes errors where the only solution was restore a backup.
And my setup is very simple 27 Zigbee devices, 2 Samsung Smartthings, a thermostat, a vacumcleaner and some chromecasts.

I think a had a problem once every 2 month on average not even quit that frequently, but it always pahhend on moments where you don’t have enought time, and when you getused to things you miss it a lot when it is not working, and if it was only me I maybe did not replace HA, but if there are more people (wife and kids) not functioning gets more a problem.

In the more than a year I run Homey now I never had any problem

Very strange, I’ve been running HA and z2m for years now and never had any issues. I assume that you posted your errors in the HA/z2m issue trackers?

FWIW, database corruption is usually caused by an underlying issue, like running on a Raspberry Pi with an SD card as main storage.

I only use PXE boot with Raspberry PI (till 4 now testing SSD for 5).
If there are issues the biggest problem are users (the rest of the family) , they want it to work.
And of course this always happen when I’m on a project somewhere else, with limited time.
So if there is no quick solution what I can preformed remote, I restored a previous config and simply reboot the PI and it is working again.

And with Homey there is bin no issue for more than a year now, so very happy on that part.

Hi there.

I got lost finding support for the device I wish to add to my home.

Tuya /Wifi Slimme Temperatuur En Vochtigheid Sensor


Many thanks for the feedback!


Look at the first post of this thread. Also, just posting a link to an Aliexpress page isn’t enough to get a device supported, you need the actual device to extract certain information from it (see first post).

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply. I’ve seen the post. Not directly asking to add the device, only to see if someone has an idea. I do a lot of support regarding Solar Invertors on this platform so I know the drill.

If you have no idea referring to the item, I need to purchase it and see what happens.

Thanks once again,


About what? If the device is supported or not? Because with TuYa, you can never tell. Even if someone has the exact same looking device it may have different internals so that the app won’t be able to recognise it.

Ok then, Didn’t know. Thanks for the awareness update. Not sure if I want this product to add when the product itself depends on the components. It way-off any consistency and typical rubbish-like.

Will see If I think it’s worth trying.

Thanks once again,


Perhaps my idea will be considered silly but since I am not a developper I ask anyway with innocence…
What I saw with a few devices I tried from Tuya (with Tuya hub, not Homey) is that they are immediately recognized and work perfectly (with nice interface and ALL features) in the Tuya original app and hub. I mean for instance Zigbee and/or matter capable devices). So I imagine they have managed a way of recognizing the device and characteristics very quickly whatever the high nbr existing and versions. So There is a communication between device and their hub.
What could be developped (by Atom/Tuya) is a kind of automatic « translation » (AI coding?) of these information to make them immediately available for the Homey 2023 Hub in Homey format . It would make ALL Tuya devices working immediately without requiring adding a few devices one by one (with a lot of work)…
Sorry if this is totally stupid… I tried !

Christopher Charpentier

It’s not very difficult, other Zigbee implementations have generic device support by simply interviewing the device to see which Zigbee clusters (which are, often, either standardised or “well-known”) it supports.

Homey/Athom have chosen not to go this route. Instead, apps need to explicitly declare which devices they support, and which clusters those devices support. So if you have a device that internally is called “SwitchA”, and the same device in a later iteration is renamed to “SwitchB”, Homey has no idea that they are the same, and the second device simply isn’t supported until the app developer explicitly says so.

Which is why Zigbee on Homey is such a PITA, I don’t understand why Athom doesn’t implement better generic device support.


Ok, why not make adding the devices with the same parameters but a different ID easy?

Ask Athom.

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Hi Johan. I found a minor bug or inconsistency in the App with device:

Manufacturer: _TZ2000_a476raq2
ModelID: TS0201

Some do show the battery information (for example 100%) and others don’t (for example a ? is showed).

Diagnostic report: e526e795-8b31-4151-9ab7-6c69d9836b56

Hopefully you are able to help and solve this issue.

Maybe it’s an idea to add this crucial info to post #1 and app store, @johan_bendz ?
No one suspects and understands why model Xabc123 is supported, and exactly the same model Xabc123 from another manufacturing batch is not

It can take quite a while (like a day), before battery info becomes available.