[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

I think this is a simple request… please please just add this item to the “Curtain Motor” section
I have some of these which I would really really love to add to Homey Pro.
All commands are the same as _TZE200_rddyvrci which is already present in the app. So just need this device added so that this model will be recognised when I pair them.
Would very much appreciate it if you were able to do this!

Please can you add door sensor:

Zigbee Apparaat Informatie
Producent ID: _TZ3000_wut53hfm
Product ID: TS0203

  "ids": {
    "modelId": "TS0203",
    "manufacturerName": "_TZ3000_wut53hfm"
  "endpoints": {
    "endpointDescriptors": [
        "endpointId": 1,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 1026,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "powerConfiguration": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 32,
                "name": "batteryVoltage",
                "value": 29,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 33,
                "name": "batteryPercentageRemaining",
                "value": 190,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "identify": {
            "attributes": []
          "iasZone": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "zoneState",
                "value": "notEnrolled",
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "zoneType",
                "value": "contactSwitch",
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "zoneStatus",
                "value": {
                  "type": "Buffer",
                  "data": [
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 16,
                "name": "iasCIEAddress",
                "value": "00:12:4b:00:29:08:05:83",
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 17,
                "name": "zoneId",
                "value": 255,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "basic": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "zclVersion",
                "value": 3
                "acl": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "appVersion",
                "value": 70
                "acl": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "stackVersion",
                "value": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "hwVersion",
                "value": 1
                "acl": [
                "id": 4,
                "name": "manufacturerName",
                "value": "_TZ3000_wut53hfm"
                "acl": [
                "id": 5,
                "name": "modelId",
                "value": "TS0203"
                "acl": [
                "id": 6,
                "name": "dateCode",
                "value": ""
                "acl": [
                "id": 7,
                "name": "powerSource",
                "value": "battery"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65502
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2
                "acl": [
                "id": 65534,
                "name": "attributeReportingStatus",
                "value": "PENDING"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65506
                "acl": [
                "id": 65507
        "bindings": {
          "identify": {
            "attributes": []
          "groups": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "nameSupport",
                "value": {
                  "type": "Buffer",
                  "data": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2
          "scenes": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 1
                "acl": [
                "id": 2
                "acl": [
                "id": 3
                "acl": [
                "id": 4
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2
          "onOff": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "onOff",
                "value": false
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2
          "levelControl": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "currentLevel",
                "value": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1
          "touchlink": {
            "attributes": []
          "ota": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 1
                "acl": [
                "id": 2
                "acl": [
                "id": 3
                "acl": [
                "id": 4
                "acl": [
                "id": 5
                "acl": [
                "id": 6
                "acl": [
                "id": 7
                "acl": [
                "id": 8
                "acl": [
                "id": 9
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 3
          "time": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1

Please can you read the first post of this Thread.

How easy add the device with the same parameters (already added device) but a different ID ?

Hello all,

I would like to monitor my old water tank with a temperature sensor… This one is Tuya Zigbee branded: China ZigBee Temperature Sensor with Probe THS 317-ET factory and manufacturers | Owon Technology

Do you know if it works already with the application or will I have to create the driver ?

Any other solution working with this application if the previous do not ?


You can always try to update any of the existing driver but without prioer interview it’s hard to say. Looking on Zigbee2MQTT implementation, looks it might be easy

Yes I did register this request on Github before posting here but received no response.
I just need _TZE200_7eue9vhc added to the “Curtain Motor” section… all signals/commands are the same as _TZE200_rddyvrci (which is already included, and works perfectly).
Please let me know what else I need to do?


Sorry. I have add it on Github.

Hi. i have 2 switches that is supported, but i cant get them to work.
One of the models is : _TZ3000_wkai4ga5

I have the Tuya Zigbee app v0.1.45 on my Homey Pro.
Is there something i missing?

Hi Christian, you are using the official app that doesn’t support all devices, you need to install this one Tuya Zigbee | Homey
It’s the test version.
Best regards Peter.

ok. i try that.

Thanks @Sharkys . It seems that there is 2 versions. One Tuya gateway compatible, and another home assistant compatible… Which one should I take in you opinion?


I mean you can have a look eg. on com.tuya.zigbee/drivers at SDK3 · JohanBendz/com.tuya.zigbee · GitHub, eg. driver for temperature sensors and updating driver.compose.json based on your interview data, at minimum manufacturerName, then install via CLI and test… naturally it might be more complex but sorry, didn’t check yet other implementations, like Zigbee2MQTT clusters etc.

Yes I think that will manage it as I already contributed with this one: com.tuya.zigbee/drivers/sirentemphumidsensor at SDK3 · JohanBendz/com.tuya.zigbee · GitHub

Do you know which version I should take then:


I can’t say on 100%, eg. THS317-ET-TY has been added to HA here - [New device support]: OWON THS317-ET-TY (Tuya), model: TS0201, manufacturer: _TZE200_01fvxamo · Issue #19804 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub … I would probably select this one but it’s just guess.

Ok thanks, I will go for it and let you know.


Hey Guys,

From my perspective, this app is slowly dying, no one is reviewing code on the github so people can use things and make it available for other, @johan_bendz should empower other more active coders with privilege’s to see the code and accept it or not…

tried on my own to code but lack of skill is very frustrating to make things work.

Also the new Tuya “official” app is in v1.0 , but nothing related to Zigbee… only thing is to buy a Zigbee hub but then what’s the point of Homey then?

1 Like

Central hub for flows!
Have HA running for adding tuya stuff. works great.

and what’s the extra cost of this ?