[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

Just needed to do a reinstall again, the Tuya Zigbee test version was disappeared again :sob:
Zelfs 2 x daags, help wat is hier aan de hand ??
Iemand een idee wat het kan zijn ??

Which Homey version? What memory insights shows for Tuya app,eg. over period that issue happened (eg. 24 hours)? Share it pleasee. What app details shows when this happens?

Bought 5 Tuya Zigbee sockets with metering, but they are only recognized as Generic Zigbee Devices. Is it possible to add this device to the app. I have tried the default and the experimental app.

This is the device:

Producent id: _TZ3000_fukaa7nc

Kind regards.

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Hi Sharky,

Itā€™s the Homey Pro Early 2019 and it happens now twice a day, Tuya app ver 0.2.25 memory use 40,6 Mb
Best regards Peter.

Yes but share the graphs over period it happensā€¦ otherwise no idea whatā€™s going on :frowning:

Read the first post of this thread on how to request device support.

Hi, everyone.

  1. Yes, the app is still being maintained. If I ever decide to stop, I will let you know, so no need to worry. :slight_smile:
  2. I have a code change in mind that will make working with devices using the Tuya Cluster easier. It wonā€™t break any existing pull requests (PRs), but I might need to tweak them once they are accepted.
  3. I understand that the seemingly endless list of device requests can make anyone wonder if this app will ever support them all. Probably not, but new devices are being added regularly, and thereā€™s nothing stopping anyone from contributing by creating a PR.
  4. That said, itā€™s overkill to create a PR if all you want is for me to add a device ID or manufacturer name to a driver thatā€™s already in place. If you know it works (youā€™ve tested it using CLI), just create an issue clearly stating this, and Iā€™ll add it as soon as possible.
  5. All requests must be made on GitHubā€” always. Requests made elsewhere will be ignored.
  6. If you buy something that isnā€™t supported yet, you have the option to help by reading the first post and following the instructions. Alternatively, you can wait for someone else to do it.
  7. Any issues related to Zigbee dropping devices, Zigbee not responding, or other Zigbee-related problems are beyond my ability to fix. This falls within Athomā€™s domain or could be due to your setup (such as Wi-Fi interference, bad power supply, signal blockage, etc.).
  8. The same applies to devices that canā€™t connect to Homey at all. If they can be added as generic Zigbee but donā€™t show up in the Tuya Zigbee app, please read the first post on how to request device support.

On a more positive note, as many of you likely know, Athom is teaming up with Tuya to release a new Tuya Cloud app. Fantastic! :slight_smile:

This will not impact this app. If anything, it might lead to me releasing this app with support for the Homey Bridge and under an official account. Weā€™ll see what the future brings. :slight_smile:


Hi @Sharkys, I came home last night and non of the Zigbee devices worked again, also I couldnā€™t even reinstall the Tuya Zigbee experimental app again so couldnā€™t turn off the deviceā€™s through the app and the flowā€™s didnā€™t do it either, I disconnected the Homey for 10 Min to do the jobs. Here added the Graphā€™s you asked for.

They are from this month, if you want other ones let me know.

Best regards Peter.

Can you show graph for last 24hours for bith mem and CPU?
Monthly view is rounding graphs to much, so itā€™s not useful

@Sharkys ,
Hi here they are from yesterday.

Best regards Peter.

It looks like that the app is getting killed, because itā€™s causing some kind of memory leak - thatā€™s the flat line - thatā€™s why the app ā€œdisappearā€ - until it would be fixed by Johann, I suggest to implement regular app restart every 10 hours. If Iā€™m not mistaken, itā€™s known problem but unknown cause of it and it do not happen for everyone. Can you post the Tuya devices you are using, best as text from de. Zigbee view https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/zigbee ? Maybe that could provide some insights for the future.

Hi Sharky, here is de listing of all the devices added into de Tuya Zigbee experimental app.

Thanks for looking in to it.
Best regards Peter.

Thanks. I added a new request to Github.

Thanks for the info @Peter_van_Werkhoven, I will adjust the code to clear up even more to make sure there is no memmory leaks.

Please send a fresh diagnostic report, add you name to it or post the code here.

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Hi Johan also many thanks for also looking in to it, here the diagnostic code.

Best regards Peter.


i would like to make some device requests, i understand that i need to post them on the github page, thats no problemā€¦ but iā€™m unable to get the interview data, i always get the message that the device is in sleep modeā€¦ how to prevent this so i can get a good interview for a device request. (it are all battery powered devices)

Best Regards

Wake up the device before starting the interview, usually done by short-pressing its pairing button

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iā€™ve tried that, but still get the same message, it does reply to ping when i try it that wayā€¦ so something is happening, maybe iā€™m not patient enough? i have no clue how long it would take to create the interview

Another bug in the Zigbee system perhaps :thinking: Try rebooting your Homey to see if that fixes it. If not, you may have to contact Athom because this isnā€™t something an app developer can fix.

After a reboot, and more patience it did work!

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