[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

I have created a new bug: Bug report - Not presence/motion detection Loginovo 24G Zigbee ceiling version · Issue #748 · JohanBendz/com.tuya.zigbee · GitHub


Sorry, but I do not have knowledge in order to do your proposal, thanks anyway.
On the other hand, I have created a new bug related to this TUYA Zigbee app:


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It’s basically “step by step” manual, so it’s just about reading and copy/pasting commands.

Well, then your sensor is not so important for you, good to know :slight_smile:

Sorry, @Sharkys I do not have worked with Github node.js before, please I think that reporting a bug to this tuya app I wish to be working my new sensor zigbee device.

Thanks for your support.
Regards. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a tuya zigbee lcd humidity and temp sensor. But when I add it. it will show as unknown device. Anyone a solution for this ?

Yes, read 1st post

@johan_bendz moving it to new driver did help - GitHub - shaarkys/com.tuya.zigbee, roberto2391 confirmed in PM.

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I just came across this combo switch/display/controller.

Tuya Smart Home Multiple Zigbee Control Panel LCD Touch Screen 3 Gang Smart Switch Zigbee Gateway Alexia for Home Voice Command

I cannot find out if this works with Homey or not, but my guess is no.

Has anyone tried it and what is the opinion?

Hey, I’m new to HP, if I donate to the developer, this would make my submission for new device higher on the list of priorities?

Thats not how things work off course, a donation is for the hard work the developers do in mostly their free time, and not to push your request forward. Maybe if just everyone who is relying on this or other apps makes a small donation to the developer(s) they feel more compelled to work on them. Instead a lot of people do the complete opposite and are almost demanding that a device is added and that it all takes to long.:man_facepalming:


Since the latest test version, my devices managed by this app are not reachable and showing red icons. All of them. Restarting the app fixes it for a while, usually not even a day. Others experiencing the same? Also restarted the homey and powered it down for 15 minutes but the issue keeps coming back.

Related - how to roll back to a previous test version that was working fine?

Hello everyone, again,

It would be very nice to add advanced settings for some devices.

For example I was looking at the

TZ3000_hhiodade TS0012 and managed to find the following:


“id”: 16385,
“name”: “onTime”,
“value”: 0,
“reportingConfiguration”: {
“status”: “NOT_FOUND”,
“direction”: “reported”


            "id": 16386,
            "name": "offWaitTime",
            "value": 0,
            "reportingConfiguration": {
              "status": "NOT_FOUND",
              "direction": "reported"

Also backlight is somewhere there, but not implemented in HP

for HA was solved one way or another

Manually setting ‘backlight’ attribute on Zigbee MOES Tuya lightswitch with ZHA toolkit (TS0014) - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Is it possible it is related to a Homey firmware update instead?


It’s better to help the developer fixing the bug(s), but to answer your Q:
Pro 201x: Not possible, but maybe it’s possible by downloading the matching app code and install by CLI.
Pro 2023: If you created an USB offline backup, when the app version still was on the previous test version, you should be able to roll back
You can go back to the latest stable version though, by just installing it from the app store.

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I fully agree. I sometimes give the advice to start Patreon and accepting issues through there. Or Homey needs to seriously consider making official app or paying the developer where it needs. At the end the community are the ones who are keeping Homey alive atm. Homey is just a trademark device who only designs the bridge and marketing of the products and apps made by community unfortunately…

I am forced to used Home Assistant aswell because of the capabilities limit of apps and devices within Homey. New stuff and updates come out every month and the developer needs to keep this up (mostly for free time hobby).

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion around ways of working for GitHub

Hi @Edwin_F.
Not saying you are alone but noone else have reported anything like this.

What device(s) do you have that is not working? (Model/ManufacturerName/DeviceID)

I have a diagnostic report that could be yours but it’s empty… so no telling what’s wrong from it.

hey Johan,

quick question

Do you think that “features/enhancements” will be implemented soon for switches? Made a request on the GitHub.

I know is on your free time, and I personally really appreciate, also any guides on how to start coding on the devices but please keep in mind that the skill lvl is almost novice.

10x in advance

I was indeed hoping to hear I was not alone. Right now I have scheduled a restart of the app every few hours. It could indeed be that you received a report from me. Was not sure what would happen, whether I got a log myself that could be useful.

The Tuya devices that I have are the following, and all of those have the red exclamation mark and don’t work at that time. Devices from e.g. Sonoff still work, so it looks like the Zigbee network is still active.


When you open them, what it say / which kind of error ?
Which Homey on which firmware do you have ?
When that happens, can you send diag. log to Johann ?

Via GitHUB and CLI install - Commits · JohanBendz/com.tuya.zigbee · GitHub - select the appropriate version and choose obrazek - Browsing repo at this time. Then download CODE → DOWNLOAD ZIP, extract it, search on this forum for CLI install and prior executing CLI install instructions, ensure you also run “npm install” in the extracted folder.

on top of previous (Radar Sensor ZY-M100-S/L (_TZE204_sxm7l9xa) and _TZE204_ijxvkhd0 ) :
(btw ZY-M100-S/L sensor detect movement even behind doors :thinking:)

Some additional updates , if you are brave of testing :

Just a note, even it does work for me, doesn’t mean it will be working for you :wink: