[APP][Pro] Tapo

In my case, using MQTT you have 2 devices, 1 from Tapo (community) and 1 from MQTT.
the tapo device control de device, the MQTT device is just for report
looking like that :


stil not able to ad my tapo p115
MAC: 5C-E9-31


I just bought 2 Tapo P110, gave them a static IP, put my login credentials in the settings but when i try to find the 2 devices: nothing is found…
mac: 74-FE-CE

Thx in advance for helping me out!

Are there plans to get live power/energy data from a P110?

Currently I get daily data via a Python script.

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Is anyone else having problems with the Tapo app? It seems to have lost the connection to all my non-matter enabled Tapo devices. I have tried restarting the app, restarting the homey, deleting and readding the devices. When I try to add devices I get the error “fetch failed”.

Perhaps related to this note on the app page?

There is a topic for this

so moved and closed.

I am actually having problems with the official Tapo app, not the community app. It stopped communicating with existing devices. When I removed devices and tried to re-add them or tried to repair them I am getting the message “fetch failed”. I have a number of devices that I cannot add using the community app as they are not supported by that app. The 530 range of multi coloured bulbs, and the three in one plus usb powerboards.

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Hi - having exactly the same challenge. Anyone else? Any resolution?

I’m having the same issue. When I contacted the developer, he said the following

“The app is not using a production API so it is not stable. Homey is currently communicating with Tapo to join the "Talks with Homey" program so that we can have a production connection.”

Given the above, I’m confused how it can have official app status……

“A verified developer can be recognised by the blue ‘Official’ badge behind the developer name … A verified developer badge signals to the user that the app was created by or on behalf of the brand itself or by Athom”.

It’s about as useful as blue checkmarks on Twitter X.