I have same error when installing tapo plug. Tried from 2 different tplink accounts using a tapo plug in each. Works from tapo app using the different accounts and can see and use tapo plug in each. When using homey app official and log in either account says too many requests. When I uninstall official and install the second app unofficial, and type in log in details, says 404 error, using either login. Starting to think that it may be tplink server issue.
We are waiting on Tapo to change the rate limit on their side. In the mean time you can try the test build v1.0.5 where the state update of the devices isn’t polled from the API anymore to reduce traffic.
I tried adding a device again. No errors with the login proces. But after login with Tapo and back to the Homey app Homey first says “New devices found” But then immediately a New screen with “No new devices”
I’ll just copy Mark_Weber’s message, because Same here, just received a tapo P115 but can’t seem to add it to Homey (No new devices found)
I was planning on automated switching of a boiler based on Epex prices with PowerByTheHour, but it seems TP-link takes their time. The issue was first raised April 22nd and we’re on June 10 now…