Can't link/login to Tapo official app

One small mistake on my side: I am using the community app. :thinking: :blush: But it works and I got 3 P 115’s connected. Cannot read power though (but in topic someone has a workaround for that).

A working official app would be nice :smile:

Thanks Hielke, I removed the official and changed to the community app and that works like a charm.

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That’s actually the problem with the community app that you cannot read the power…

It seems the official TAPO app works now after the Homey upgrade from last day.

You have to add it over de tapo app first en then homey?

That is the way I did it. You will need the Tapo-app to connect it to WiFi. But the Homey-app works local. The app has its own topic: [APP][Pro] Tapo. More info you can find here.


Now it does not anymore…