[APP][Pro] Tapo

Please add P110M


@donkfather Hi, just curious :slight_smile: I noticed there is also another app for Tapo now. Are you still developing this one??


Can you add my new P115?


Thx for your support :slight_smile:

Please ad p115 MAC: 5C-E9-31

Hi @donkfather
Please ad mac-adr. P115: A8:42:A1

Please add tapo L500-L520 :pray:

Hi, I am new to Homey (Pro). So I am learning…

I have a number of TAPO P110 smart plugs and have been using the TAPO app for Android. To get the power consumption of my heat pump I now and then export the data using the Android app.

First of all I do not find power data at all in the Homey environment. I only see some flow nodes like “when power changes” or “when power becomes larger than”.

Do I overlook something? Is it possible to access / export power consumption and current data with an existing Homey app?

I think that other app uses the cloud to control the devices, I am not sure. This app uses local LAN, so no cloud integration


Hi @donkfather ,
I added my P115 successfully.
But the meter_power and measure_power are not displayed :

Could you check why please ?

Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately that is because it is not yet supported in this app.

please add:

Tapo P110 mac 40-ED-00

Two of my P155 which was working before are not working anymore trough the app. I have tried to restart the app but they are not working. I get a an error “Request failed with status code 403”. How do i solve this problem?

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When will tapo cameras (I have c200) be supported?

using MQTT following this GitHub - mihai-dinculescu/tapo: Unofficial Tapo API Client. Works with TP-Link Tapo smart devices. Tested with light bulbs (L510, L520, L530, L610, L630), light strips (L900, L920, L930), plugs (P100, P105, P110, P115, P300), hubs (H100), switches (S200B) and sensors (KE100, T100, T110, T300, T310, T315). worked for me.
You need to create a device with “MQTT Hub”.
instead of using Homey Tapo app.

Yeah, i got the same issue…
@donkfather do you have any idea how to solve this?

Do you have an example of using the MQTT Hub with the Tapo API client?

First, you have to add your tapo device to Homey (link your tapo account with homey).
then, I’m using a raspberry to execute Python code described in GitHub link (or any terminal able to execute python and conencted to your network).
then, once the raspberry is able to request datas, you have to send them to mqtt server (homey in my case). You have to declare the topic you want to use
then, create a MQTT Device and configure it to subscribe to the associated topic

that’s all


Hope the power measurement is implemented soon, great app you build!