[APP][Pro] Synology

Ia have done a manual reboot within Synology but after doing that the issue remains.
I can shutdown with Homey but starting up no longer.
Also with the Wake on Lan app it does not work.
No port forwarding is needed, right?

@Heula if it doesn’t work with that app then it’s related to your Synology.
Port forwarding not needed, only the mac address of the lan port.

Can you try to disable and enable wake on lan again in the Synology NAS.
Also might be good to check if the macaddress is the same as in Homey and the WOL app you tried

You might want to checkout ARP binding for your router. As that binds the IP and the MAC address together in your router.

All settings were right.
I have disabled wol and enabled it again without success.
I have deleted the bas from the app and re-added it again without success.
The nas starts fine with a scheduled timer.

It is just weird because I did not change a thing.

What I will try tomorrow is disable wol, restart the nas and enable it again to see if that will help.
I have no idea what else to do.
ARP is and was disabled on my switch and is not an option on my Ziggo modem.

@Heula and there are no changes in your network? :confused:

Not by my hand. :man_shrugging:

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Really Strange. You might want to check some Synology troubleshooting?

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Hi Martijn,

I solved the issue. It was my linksys switch where a link aggregation setting came back after rebooting the switch. I had a bond network with link aggregation set on my nas. With that setting wol did not work, after removing the bond setting I also removed the link aggregation setting on the switch but for some reason it won’t stick after rebooting the switch.
I have put the network cable in another port on the switch and wol is working again.

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Hey @Heula
Nice! :smiley:

New app update (test: 1.9.3.):

  • FIX: error state if disk_usage is temporarily unkown

New app update (test: 1.9.5.):

  • FIX: disk_usage (string to int conversion)

@Maurits can you check if this fixes the issue? :slight_smile:

I use Network UPS Tools (NUT) App for Homey | Homey to connect to the UPS daemon on my Synology NAS.


New app update (live: 1.9.5.):

  • FIX: disk_usage (string to int conversion)

OK, tried to read all posts but it’s a lot.

The user who is going to control my nas from homey needs to be an admin.
Because my nas isn’t reachable from outside my home i don’t need to worry about 2FA but my homey is reachable from outside. What’s the best way to stay secure?

@ChrisV That’s a good question. That depends more on Athom I guess.
I password protected My Homey app on my phone to prevent this.

Some background info on the app:
The app only retrieves data from your NAS.
The only 3 things it can do:

  • upload files via FTP (but you have to enable it in the app settings)
  • shut down
  • restart

So no critical data is shared with Homey. Next to that the password is encrypted in the app. Without the key you can’t decrypt it

Very Nice App. Using it to Wake up and shutdown mij Synology’'s and saving energy.

I donated 10 euro’s via PayPal.

I call all other users of this app, to do the same…



Thanks @Henk_Bartels
Really appreciated :smiley:

Where do you hide the key?

@Arie_J_Godschalk in the env.json

You know you can already read that on homey pro early 2023, right?
Just so you know :wink:

Yes I know. But its not that critical right :stuck_out_tongue: