[APP][Pro] Synology

Its more that its obfuscated when you go through your devices in the device list inside the developer portal

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WOL is activated
Internal Ip
port 5000
No 2 factor activated on NAS

I can not start it up, can see the command saying on for 2-3 min then turns back to off

@Hycken hmm strange. Did you connect the LAN cable to LAN 1 or LAN 2?

It is a DS215j, so only one port.
And I guess that MFA on Homey doesn’t has any impact, I can not see any reasons for that.

@Hycken No that shouln’t matter.
You can check in the device settings if the mac address is correct

Updated the mac address and now it’s working :partying_face:

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Nice! :tada:

Hi @martijnpoppen ,
I had some problems with my NAS via Homey (it stopped turning off at specified times) and removed it to add it again.
That doesn’t work anymore and I don’t quite understand why not.
When I enter my data and the local ip address, it is indicated that the login or 2fa went wrong.
When I do the same but not with local ip address but with my ******* .synology.me account then I don’t get an error message but that no new devices were found.
That is strange because the NAS is just on.

It doesn’t matter if I choose an account with or without 2fa. I get these messages with both.

2023-04-04 07_41_40-Homey Pro van Alex en Astrid

What could this (suddenly) be due to?


Hey @Heula
I would suggest to restart the Synology app in Homey.

And check if the connection is correct.
Logs say: is not reachable from Homey

Restarting the app was the first thing I tried but didn’t help. is not reachable from Homey, that is weird because my ip range is 192.168.178.*:5000

@Heula then it’s correct that it can’t reach right? :thinking: (note the .0)

@martijnpoppen Yes, that is right but why does it try to connect to :man_shrugging:

Is there something changed that I need to set or portforward somehow?

@Heula probably because that’s what you typed in in the pairing view?

@Heula sorry didn’t check the report properly.

The ******* .synology.me was correct.
Only it said you still had a driver connected. (see log below)
Not sure if you removed your NAS first before you tried pairing?

It’s not possible to add the same device twice :slight_smile:

[log] [Driver] DiskStation - pairedDriverDevices [ 'DiskStation-SN_REDACTED' ]
[log] Found devices -  []

@martijnpoppen it probably it needed some timeafter remving and re-adding the device.

With my Synology ddns the nas is found and connected but when I add the local ip adress of my nas it stille gives me an error.

I remember, I had this before and that was the reason I tried the Synology DDNS option. Why can’t it connect to the local ip adress?

@Heula it should connect locally. At least my NAS is.

You can maybe verify with Homeyscript if Homey and Synology can find each other:

console.log(await fetch(''));

[Symbol(Response internals)]: {
url: ‘’,
status: 403,
statusText: ‘Forbidden’,
headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] },
counter: 0

I don’t get it, ran the script with several options on or off like firewall etc. This is the outcome every time?

Any ideas what I need to do?

I think this is the same issue as I have with the FTP client from Ari.

FTP ports are forwarded and working in FileZilla.

@Heula you had a issue before with this app. Can it be related ? [APP][Pro] Synology - #267 by Heula

Don’t think so because I removed the link aggregation and use only one of the two lan connections now.
It must be something else because I only noticed the issue the day before yesterday when my Nas did not turn off at night. It is a time based setting in Homey with this app and worked great until now. :woman_shrugging:

@Heula it’s really strange. You might want to try it with the port.

console.log(await fetch(''));

I do have my NAS on https (also local) not sure if it’s the same for you?