[APP][Pro] Solis Cloud Inverter - Receive realtime data from your Solis Inverter

Nice! FYI I got the “incompatible_app_version” error with my Pro 2019

I think it seems Homey 2016-2019 users have to wait a bit for firmware v12.1.2 (now: v12.1.0) in order to meet the new transparency & haptic feedback & font scale support for dashboards

What version are you on atm? v12.1.0? I will try and bump the version then…

Yes v12.1.0, it’s the current fw.
But I guess the v12.1.2 will be published for Pro 201x as well, soon?

There it is:


Also when the inverter (sun goes down) stop working the current Watt stay alive and don’t go to zero.
Now with the energy tab it would be nice it goes to zero

Look at the picture it stands on 20W

Diagnostic rapport 8d54ee23-6d71-4321-8548-40555796210f

Okay @Mark1541 , looks like an error in read. Don’t know the exact reason for this.
I do think, on error read, last state is kept/stored. I could “reset” the production I guess…
How does this sound?

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That would be nice

I’m I the only one with this problem ?

Hi folks, new version is out.

Release-note: Hotfix zero production on any errors.

Version 1.2.1

Enjoy and happy weekend.

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Thank you :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

@Kim_Kokholm first of all the best wishes for 2025 can you maybe take over the app Omnik from Lucas

I also have an Omnik inverter myself to the developer is not available (for quite some time)

I’ll hear it

Sorry, I have no interest in doing so. Thank you for the heads up!

Alright no problem

I wouldn’t mind providing access to my inverter for you to give a go at programming in an ‘on/off’ switch, I think this in general would help quite a bit in providing additional control in case of negative energy prices.

Feel free to reach out to me.

Hi @Joost_v_D I’ve searched the api documentation for such handle: toggle on/off - It is not present in the docs I’ve found online.
Don’t know if any of you have access to a reseller or knowledge of, how to toggle the inverter with commands for on/off.

Looks like you can do this with the DRM port of the inverter.
However this is a physical control and will require a smart relay.

I would also be interested in this feature :grin:

@Kim_Kokholm would you consider adding support for battery?
Would like to se battery level and trigger flows based on battery level.

I have been told (in the thread and topic Energy) that in order to make your Solis App compatible a capability ‘meter_power’ had to be added.

Are you considering doing so?


Hi @Leopold_Ekdahl , I don’t know how this will work, since I don’t have a setup myself.

Do you know any developer that might be interested in implementing this - send him this way :slight_smile:

Hi @Eternity

Please try this newly published version:

You will need to remove and add device again, possible restart app.
Added meter_power.

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