[APP][Pro] Solis Cloud Inverter - Receive realtime data from your Solis Inverter

Hmmm one did suggest turning on/off - but this is kind of different.

This sets interval for charging or? Does it reset after interval is used and how to you want to implemented in Homey?

I do not own an installation myself, so I will need a login and permission to control - I guess.
Only if the specification can be provided :slight_smile:

I do think a simple solution would be on/off toggle if possible.

Was thinking that it would follow the spot price of electricity in Sweden but I understand it will be almost impossible without your own setup.
I have ordered this battery/inverter combo so cannot help you yet.

Hi @Kim_Kokholm

I have an solar panel array with Solis inverter in use. In the SolisCloud mobile app there is a possibility to change the inverter output power limit as a percentage value (see the screenshots “Power Limit Setting”)

Would this be possible to implement in the Homey Solis app also?

Usecase for this is that one could limit the output power of the inverter during the negative hourly prizes.

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Hello Kim,

Thanks for your work on this inverter.
I recently got a Solis inverter and it works great.

A request:
I’d like to show the day production as status indicator, but it’s not presented

The cause seems to be the capability naming:

I suspect the capability
should be named like:
to have it selectable as status indicator, but also to have it appear in the Energy section.

Because changing these would break flows & insights, maybe you can add it as an additional capability, with title “Day Energy” or such.


Hi @peltsi51

Maybe it is possible through the api. But by doing so, this will affect or adjust your installation and maybe lower your production if not tested or doing just right.

Also I will need credentials for this - I did borrow credentials of another user. I do not own a setup/installation of my own.

Please check the new test version out. Trying to address the “issue” you are describing.

I did add a copy of the day production capability, hide it and it should be visible as a indicator.
I’m having issues changing capabilities, therefore I’ve bumped minor-version.

Thanks for the quick fix, Kim.

The capability is not quite right, it errors now.
I think it should be
meter_power.daily_energy which is a subcapability

Hi @Peter_Kawa, can you please reinstall? Or will this ruin your statistics etc.?

I’m having issues with my apps, when changing or add/remove capabilities - was hoping bumping version would solve it.

With the version in test:

Hi Kim,

Thanks. A reinstall didn’t work, but uninstall and install did. But maybe that’s what you meant with reinstall :grimacing:

No issues with stats and such, the inverter is installed just a few days ago, and I have a test Homey.
I’m happy to test stuff, just ask.

Thanks again for the quick adjustment.

After most recent update. Please remove device and add again.

I’ve introduced new capability, now the “old” version does not recognize this. I dont know how to fix this more gently. Sorry.

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For me doesn’t work again. Yesterday un and re installed did work but today again an issue:

Please try:
Delete device, then add device.

Again, it’s an issue with new capability.

Hi! I can not Get contact with SolisCloud ant more. Is the site down?

Overhere it’s online (NL).

Here is also a problem after last update. I get error

Please remove device and add again. This will solve this

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My app doesn’t work either, are there a way to reinstall, without having to create all the flows again?

There’s a script to fix your flows in case you have to remove and reinstall a device:

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Thanks. It works again.

Hi all, just pushed a new version to store.

Latest version (test for now) now supports Dashboard and this app provides a widget.

Don’t know if you are familiar with dashboards, but kinda nice feature I think with great potential.

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