When I restart the app the error shortly disappears, but then (I assume after using api to get the data the first time) the error is shown again (red sign with ! Next to the goodwe device).
Around midday CEST the error didn’t appear again after I restarted the app.
As I didn’t recognize any app update, I think the issue has been on sems/goodwe site. In parallel i tried to install another solar app which also connects with goodwe. I wasn’t able to do so at that time. I just tried a moment ago and it works now.
Hi @Thorpedo@rikadoo , sorry, but I can´t fix something, what is not broken : )
It seems to be problem of Goodwe, their API is not reliable. I suggest contact their support.
When I contacted them some time ago, they wrote me, they can´t/won´t help me with API, so there is nothing I can do about these fails. App I made just use their API and if it fails …
Hi @Michal_Stranik , have you looked into to send commands via this app to GoodWe? I have the battery solution and would love to be able to choose from triggers (electric prize) when the battery should start chargning/dischargning.