[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

I also opened a case. Hopefully with more complains there will be some action. Before my experience with the helpdesk was good.

please recheck again, or somehow you need to restart your inverter.

[Driver:invertor] [Device:10e4b334-8088-4e81-b8ba-2498c2d28311] Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1157:16) { errno: -113, code: ‘EHOSTUNREACH’, syscall: ‘connect’, address: ‘’, port: 1502

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yeah frustated especially when it worked before. maybe they want to promote their own stuff.
or did you change it every few minutes or so and could harm the device?

Is this a Growatt inverter?

EDIT, sorry I see it now : SolarEdge 3680 HD Wave inverter

Cannot help you from my end. Sorry.

No problems with the app regulating the growatts I have:

The pricing the flow received:

The actions after reading the price /kW
Lowering the export during negative pricing, including battery to grid during the morning (battery power unused and forecast weather good for next day.

Hej! New to this app, I got the connection to work yesterday, but I get the data quite random.

Have 2 inverters with battery on both. (Huawei with WiFi dongle)
One inverter (nr 2) gets data a little bit more often than the others, but I never know when… the other gets it very seldom…

Any idea what could be wrong here? When I added them to homey the configuration asked me to set the polling frequency but I can’t find that setting anywhere. I don’t have anything else connected to the modbus, did configure it for the first time yesterday

Well I can see that the inverter does set the active power limit to 0% but is immediatly back to 100%.
Flip-Flop in local and remote control.

See pics. This is non stop going on. I think that some setting has been changed by solaredge because the Modbus TCP status is ready, and when I restart the app on homey (this app) then i briefly see connected, and then back to ready again.
Weird is that the power and voltage etc all are read.
Set commando’s are impossible now :frowning:

yeah it is not supported to have 2 inverters on a s dongle. , the dongle is not stable for this, it cannot handle multiple connections. I have to re-write that part.

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yep, they revert it straight away. did you make a support call for this?

Yes i did but no reaction yet.

However, this afternoon all of a sudden I got alert that inverter was not working and then when I checked it, the screen was showing an update being installed.

BUT, that did not worked and I got stuck in an update/boot loop.
I left it alone for 2 hours and then it came back online, but no SW version changes or update of FW.
And tested, just in case, again but same result.

When I start flow to put it on 0% I can see the status LCD going briefly to 0 and straight back to 100
SO solaredge is doing something with my inverter, and I don’t like that!!!

Even with all external access (inbound and outbound) closed, it still does that.
And the flip-flop of Local and remote still happens.

Hope that they respond tomorrow.


did you test 1% instead of 0, the opposite of 100%?


Tried 0 and 50 and 30 and 1 and nothing sticks

Well that s.cks with a capital S.

As said, I dont have this problem with my Growatts but for sure I had troubles delimiting the export with the different priority modes. Regret I don’t know how to help you. Last try here:

Did you try to set reactive power as per page 10 or load default, as per page 13:

well got an update on my ticket

De omvormer is bijgewerkt en op de site is de limiet niet ingesteld.

In english: De inverter is updated (not sure that happend correctly) and there is no limit set.

Still not working, I did not changed anything, active power limit does not work anymore.
I am F.ucked :frowning:

I just have given de inverter a reset, and starter from scratch.
exactly the same behavior.

When i give the command to limit to 1% or 30% you can see it on the display dropping to a low value (power) and then instantly goes back to 100%

So internal or somehow it is overruled.

I am out of options now, i have responded to solaredge that it worked wel for a long time and now all of a sudden not anymore.
I asked them if this is because of the new settings in de app to regulate it by negative prices from their app/site

If they cannot help further then I cannot limit this anymore from homey and from this app.

It’s unbelievable that this happens without any change on my side.

Apps are updated, even went back to stable and also back to test, no change.

Anyone got the “golden idea” ?

is this your own inverter by the way (not zonneplan) and not that old . Can you implement "Production Limit" to earn money ;) ? ¡ Issue #73 ¡ biemond/solaredge.modbus ¡ GitHub

here also on old it is working , on a new one it is not.

I think solaredge should see who or what is reverting this change. and it is instant so looks like something is doing this.

you can do production limit , if you install meters on your meterkast and connect back to the inverter. but this cost you 500 euro for sure.

Hi, it is my own inverter. Is is an Solaredge 3680H HD wave inverter. From 2018 with LCD display.

I saw that there is a inline meter now that you can install in the main fuse cabinet (meterkast) that talks with solar network (mesh of solaredge) but I don’t know if I can upgrade the inverter to support this network type.
There is a plugin but it is no cleat what type or that this can be used in my inverter.

Otherwise this was a nice feature that stopped working for me. So i have to manually shutdown when negative prices occur. (back to the old day :frowning: )

put pressure on them , it worked before.

make sure if you do something with meters , do it wired , not zigbee

also when you do this from the inverter , does it stick? or also reverted.

weird is indeed that when I do limit it in the inverter it sticks.