[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

need to check this. I heard this before , it seems the docs are maybe not correct for sph.

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Ik heb in de app nu een blanco scherm waar je de selectie maakt bij storage controle mode. Dit heb ik sinds de laatste versie van de homey app (apple) / I now have a blank screen in the app where you make the selection in storage control mode. I have had this since the last version of the homey app (apple)

komt er binnen kort een update van de SolarEdge app? / Will there be an update to the SolarEdge app soon?

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Nederlands (Dutch)


oh, looks like some homey bug. don’t know how I can do this from the app. let me check on my ipad.

As requested also in English :slight_smile:

Thank you. I hope you can reproduce and fix it.

Hi Edwin,

Is it possible to make this app available for Solinteg Inverter and Battery systems as well?

I have a Solinteg MHT-10K-25 (Integ M 10-20KW - Solinteg) hybrid inverter with a Solinteg EBS-5150 15kWh (Integ E - Solinteg) battery sold through Lyv (https://getlyv.com/)

This system also uses the ModBus RS485 protocol and is very similar to the Growatt Inverter and Battery.

I tried to use the Growatt + Battery appliance and I know I have a ModBus to TCP inverter at port 502 with ModBus addr 1 but unfortunately I am not getting any updates.

Thank you very much for all your help and support

Coert Noordermeer

This is the ModBus to TCP converter details

yes , the coming weeks this app test versions will add a new device with support for wattsonic gen3 inverter and their clones (sunways, solinteg, A-Tronix, St-ems). following this blog Wattsonic Hybrid Inverter Gen3 Modbus RTU Protocol | SmartHome.Exposed

thanks for your vpn access, got the data so I don’t expect many big issues now. 1st will focus on the data, flows etc will come later.


Also another growatt device with support for TL-X and TL-XH which uses some other register for their battery support.


You are welcome!

Can i shutdown VPN access or do you still need some time?

Verzonden vanuit Outlook voor iOS

need 2 weeks for sure but for now you can shut it down. will ping you or keep it active until we are done.


Just want to share my simple flow to control the battery charge when the costs provided by the grid are lower than zero or at a rate you put as minimum.

This is the first part of controlling the setup. Next part will be to avoid injection of the grid when costs are negative (you have to pay your own injection when negative in NL!) and a check on the max Voltage and stop injection (attempt to avoid inverter to shutdown as the grid delivers more than than the inverter max voltage setting). These events happen when the provider overloads, they put an extra Voltage peak in the grid, shutting down the inverters to avoid total overload. As a result your inverter will produce NOTHING and house load will be taken from the grid.

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Added on test SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus | Homey
support for wattsonic gen3 inverter and their clones (sunways, solinteg, A-Tronix, St-ems).

Will work on the battery part

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This does not work, in testing it works perfectly but status is not updated automatically, bug?

Not sure what you want with this Flow.

The test on status is clear, after that a second check on the status itself is done, but when producing is detected, you want to SET the production to Ja.

What good is it for you to detect a status and then SET the status to the same?

I Assume (better reading) that [zonnepanelen productie] is in fact a variable you wish to set, depending on the inverter status. That clears some trouble understanding your flow.

I actually want when there is production that the rollershutter goes up, when the status goes to sleep mode that the shutter close. But the status yes/no never changes.

Ok, clear.

My best guess is to use the actual solar production in Watts and make the query. Note that production may be close to zero but not exactly zero during the day, this might occur when heavy rain passes. if you close the shutters when the status becomes sleeping or the solar power is zero, actions are taken instant, but the sun will come back in 5 minutes and again interaction… etc. etc. not sure if you want that.

A better approach (to my opnion) is to check some more parameters and use an average on Solar power within a timeslot of lets say 30 minutes.

Read the solar power every 10 minutes
Make sure that it is daytime (so after sunrise and before sunset) (1)
If it is before daytime of after, close the shutters (1)
If it is daytime and the average of the past 30 minutes of solarpower is < 10w than close the shutters. (2)

(1) You need the app zonnestanden

(2) You need the app insight trends reloaded

Hope this will help, if anyone else has tips, please go-ahead.

It is easier to check the status because this change just 1 time a dat, producing in the morning and sleeping in the evening. But i think it’s a bug in the app because this not work. I van der producing en sleeping in the values but in a flow nothing change

thanks will check it.