[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

I’m not sure if the portscan on the inverters fixed IP is executed (correctly). Although you need to follow the info from CaptainVoni but it is hard to believe that the port is closed by the inverter if nothing is listening. What scan app did you used to achieve that goal? Are you Mac or PC?

I did see the 2 minute remark before so I did already test that. Just tried it again immediately connecting to the IP with the app from homey. Eg; turn off and on Modbus while connected to the inverter and connect to the IP by hitting connect in the app but no data. I can confirm this by telnetting to the IP from my Windows PC eg telnet 1502 and also tried with port 502. Still nothing. Very frustrating.

Can anyone check if you see a ‘meter’ value is displayed at the bottom of the status page when connected to the inverter wifi? This is mentioned at the bottom of page 22 at this URL: https://documents.unboundsolar.com/media/solaredge-electricity-meter-se-mtr240-nn-s-s1-installation-manual-20191008170955.9995912.pdf

Not sure if this would be the case when connected over wifi but i am just trying some stuff.

The reason I ask about the meter is because of the info under ‘Check your configuration …’ on this page;

for your information 22 hours ago something happend that the modbus connection is lost. Homey and homeassistant can not connect thrue modbus any more. I have a unifi network ik can ping the solaredge inverter no problem. In monitoring.solaredge.com it is working no problems there.

I can not figure out why it is not working. Adding as a new device does not work. I have done a reboot from the switch.

no idea’s for now.

are you on wifi? and did you get an unifi update. also have unifi (Network 7.5.174,
UDM SE v3.1.16) but using lan and vlans , allow homey to reach the inverter.

did you do a portscan? maybe use an old wifi router and nothing else or fixed lan with inverter and your computer
Maybe unifi has some threat detection etc or inter wifi block.

Is everyone having those issues connected via WIFI? Or the other way around: anyone with a cable connection has that issue?

Something at the back of my head says that Solaredge wanted to disable Modbus over WIFI - but I may remember it wrong!

@Edwin_Biemond just FYI.
In the latest test-version of the app connection got lost to my Growatt server.
I downgraded the app to the live version instead and it started working again :slight_smile:

I am on (laptop) wifi same subnet/vlan as the inverter wired to switch. I can ping the inverter no problems there.

Homey is connected wired same vlan as inverter monitoring with modbus.

Last unifi updates are from 31 august.
Running. cloudkey UCK G2 Plus v3.1.16
network 7.5.174

No udm but cloudkey and edgerouter.

My Unifi controller is: 7.5.174 running on my Synology NAS in a Docker container. My inverter version shows this:
I cannot compare if I have a newer inverter firmware or not because I dont know what is was before. I dont know if inverter firmware updates automatic eiither.

I’ve heard stories about NAS docker that there might be problems with the docker in combination with USB sticks, not coming live after NAS reboot. You might need to check on this. For sure it occurs with USB Zigbee and Zwave sticks. There is a procedure for this occurrence.

There is no USB key involved, its just a Docker install. Thanks for the tip anyway!

these are my versions


there is no change on growatt, only solaredge stuff and german locale . can you switch back. I think the timers are off . and send me a diagnostic report.




Hoe kan ik een vorige versie installeren?

Mvg bram

hehe, was responding to @Yestond but basically we only have 2 versions, the live 1 and the 1 behind /test/ on homey app store.

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Ah thought so, only knew about live version and /test

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Yeah I’ll see if I can do it tonight :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m sorry I forgot to reply to you. It works well, thank you!

And it has a RS232 port for my Growatt 3000 MTL!