[APP][Pro] Solar Forecasts (SolCast + Forecast.Solar)

It works… I guess this has been caused by DNS malfunction introduced in v10.0.0-rc.85, with final fix implemented in v10.0.0-rc.89

@Pieterv123 , any idea why pls. Forecast today is not getting updated ? Others seems to be fine, eg. forecast tomorrow and others… also sent diag, if that would be any help. Thank you.

Honestly, I don’t know. Works fine for me. Forecast today is fetched at midnight, you have no reboots planned or so?
Maybe you reach the API limit?
I need a longer diagnostics to see the error.

I see you have the new Homey Pro and RC firmware.
There are some issues with the firmware of Homey RC, which causes errors, nothing I can do about it, Athom has to fix this. I get a lot of crash reports due to this new Homey

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Thank you for such fast response ! I do have regular reboots, but in the morning…all others values are updated. But - probably the nr. of API calls are not save during reboots ? I have two devices, each of them 5 API calls…so if I reboot eg. at 5AM, there is no last API remaining for midnight update ? Eg. at this time, it already shows 4 API calls performed… I see I can turn off Automatic polling, when disabled, then I can do refresh on my own, right ? Thinking I will do that only during certain time frame… Fetch Solcast update - in case of two “devices”, it will update both of them ?

…so I switched to manual updates to better optimize API calls - does it mean that for Today and Tomorrow, I have to launch last call exactly at midnight ? Thank you.

I will look into the code later on.

I think today is fetched anyway even with manual calls on.

If it worked before and now doesn’t, it is more likely a homey firmware RC error

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Thank you for response - could be, however if it’s just happening only on one value…could be more probable that SolCast changed their API… :wink: (anyway, all 55 other apps including those calling some remote API works fine)

Today I will perform last call at midnight, will report back - had 3 calls already today, all values got updated except of the ‘forecast today’ - shared diag with you, just in case there is anything helpful.

I checked your crash report.
Which timezone are you living?

Anyway the reason is the api calls, I can see that the call at midnight still counts for the previous day

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Hm, I see your code already included the logic to check/call API at times it is most reasonable. :wink:

var sunrise = new Date(new Date().sunrise(lat, lon).toLocaleString("en-US",{timeZone: timezone}));
var sunset = new Date(new Date().sunset(lat, lon).toLocaleString("en-US",{timeZone: timezone}));

CET - Central European

I will adjust the calls, as it was calling API at 2AM after my manual triggers :wink:

Btw, if I have two devices - East and West, one Fetch Solcast update will consume 2 API calls ?
(I assume so - therefore I can call API only 5 time a day)

If it is on the same account, it are 2 api calls.
I can see in your log that it uses 2 api calls, this is the only way to do it, as it is different data to fetch.
From your log, I can see that at 14.57 yesterday your api calls were finished.

BTW, after every reboot it will fetch again, same if you change settings. (but if it is during nighttime, it won’t fetch)

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So with manual updates, last one performed at midnight it got updated finally :slight_smile: So probably in my case, it’s caused by combination of Homey reboots (updates), limited API calls and two devices.

you can try the latest test version, it should be updated soon

You have to make a flow action for each device to manual trigger an update

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So it’s breaking change, those flows have to be fixed - got it, much better for those of us having more devices.

Thank you, will report back after I will get few more API calls again :wink:



seems WEST is not getting updated, even if launched via same flow/trigger - except of values at midnight.

Do you see please anything obvious?

Maybe try to not update at the same time. Maybe a minute difference or so.

You need 2 different actions, one for 1 and one for 2.

Hi Pieterv123,

first of all thanks for providing this App!
I wanted to use the card “Forecast now is updated” in homey advanced flow to get the variable “forecast now”. I expected that the variable “forecast now” in the flow is equal with “forecast now” from homey insights. But this is not the case. I modified my flow to store the value inside a separate variable to compare it via insights. Have a look at the screenshot.
Is this a bug of the flow card or is my expectation wrong?
If my expecation is wrong, how do I get the current “forecast now” variable in a flow?

Thanks for your support

I will check when I have time.
I don’t think the local tag is defined.

Don’t use the local tag in your flow, but search for solcast and use that one.

I have them separate, with delay 10sec - I will increase it to 1min, thank you

What’s best to set up one PV system (inverter) with two parts (north/south)?
Set up two sites on Solarcast account and add two devices to Homey? Or is it possible to get the total value for both sites into one device?
Or just define one site with average kWp for nord and south panels?

I found the bug, it will be fixed soon.

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